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simple question - complicated answer...

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:56 pm
by newbie82
I'd like to know how you all feel when you come face to face with someone else (a stranger) who is wearing braces. Whether they are younger or older then you, how does it make you feel?

I am yet to decide how I feel, I don't feel embarrassed or uncomfortable but there is deinitely some sort of feeling I can't describe. That's why I thought I'd ask you guys how you feel when you have to confront a stranger who is also wearing braces?

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:13 pm
by Flora2006
That's a really interesting question!

I haven't met another person in braces while I've been in braces...but when I used to see people, whether young or old, in braces I didn't really think much about it. I definitely noticed the braces from the get go...but didn't really care.

Now, I think that if I was to meet a person in would feel a bit weird I think...I already self-conscious about them so if I was to be with another person with braces...that feeling would double...But who would have to happen for real in order for me to give an accurate answer :)

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:52 pm
by JoeMama
Good question! There was a recent thread about this and a lot of differing opinion. My personal take is that it makes me happy to see other adults in braces. I don't usually say anything, but will usually give that person a smile.

It makes me feel good to know I'm not alone. And from the reactions I get, I think they might feel the same way. I have to go out in public with my braces on a regular basis for my job, and it amazes me how many people approach me with their own braces stories. I've had a lot of really encouraging stories, similar to what I read on this message board. In reality, I can't wait to get these things off, but in the mean time, I really enjoy the encounters I get specifically because of the braces. To date, not one of them has been negative and frankly, I can't get enough encouragement where braces are concerned! :D

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:03 pm
by ingyandbert
I don't think it's that big a deal whether or not someone wears braces. I've met all kinds of people in braces, kids and adults. A couple of nights ago, I was at a dinner party and sat across from a 13 year old girl (whom I'd met a few years ago) who wears braces. We have the same orthodontist. She thought it was "cool" that I'm in them, too (I'm 45); that was cute. I don't think the fact that you wear braces is as big a deal to others as you might think. Their reaction mostly depends on yours and whether you project embarrassment or confidence. So many people have had braces when they were younger; they can relate to what you're going through.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 12:03 pm
by nvcarissa
I love seeing other people in braces, kids or adults. I just usually flash them a big smile and always get one in return.


Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 12:49 pm
by KathleenH
I just smile really big. I don't attempt a conversation, I just get a warm feeling of comraderie with this complete stranger who happens to be in the same boat. Kind of like seeing someone else with a car like mine - I feel part of a larger community.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 3:33 pm
by psychic
For me is not very difficult... i think where i live (or portugal, in general) wearing braces is becoming a "fashion" issue!!!!

Maybe because it´s more affordable or because of the health plans include a higher "plafond" to those items... But people are wearing more braces than ever, especialy adults...

So, i meet people that also wear braces all the time! I think it´s kind of funny because we look at each other with a smile like saying - oh so that´s how i look from the outside!!

And, on the other way, if you're wearing braces is because you care for your dental health!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 3:49 pm
by sprouts
I am always thinking that they are very lucky to be able to afford braces. There are lots of adults and even kids and teenagers who cannot afford them. So anyone I see with braces I consider them to be privileged.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:21 am
by SmileyGirl
When I used to see kids in braces I would be a little bit jealous and wish my parents had gotten me braces. When I used to see adults in braces (even up to a year or two ago) I would think it must be weird to have them as an adult and sometimes I would even think, "Why are they doing that? It's silly." That was just because I was also jealous of the adults! I've always wanted braces pretty badly.

I haven't seen any adults in braces since I've gotten mine. Now I just wonder what people think about me! When I see kids in braces I think, "Thank goodness they are getting this taken care of while they are young." I don't know if they'll appreciate having straighter teeth when they get older because I wonder if people with straight teeth really realize how not having straight teeth can make some people feel about themselves.

I have always been very conscious of other people's teeth because I was so bothered by mine. I'm always amazed when people say they didn't realize I needed braces because I inspect everyone's teeth I come across and I always have!

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 2:28 pm
by LoobyLou
More often than not I feel a bit embrrassed. For example I started salsa lessons 6 weeks ago and a young lad there also has braces. As soon as it was my turn to dance with him and we realised each other had braces there was this awkward embarassed moment but I don't know why!

Now however neither of us seems bothered at all.

I don't know why I should feel embarrassed at all. Silly I suppose!!!


Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:21 am
by newbie82
Hey THanks everyone for your replies. I agree with all of you!

My co-workers daughter who is 14 (I'm 23) has braces and we also share the same orthodontist and amazingly get our adjustments at the same time, and I don't ever think about it being weird or anything, it's just the way things are at the moment.

I think although it may seem awkward when I talk to someone with braces (I work in a supermarket/grocery store so have to see people every day!) on the inside I know we are giving each other the thumbs up!

Cheers all!

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:04 pm
by bckydgardnr
I agree it is a bit of a wierd feeling...kind of like I want to say something, but I know that I am self conscious so I don't say anything for fear that they are self concious.

Recently, I was at my orthodontist getting an adjustment. I always make my appointment the first one of the day so I can get to work. In walks a student at the school where I work who also happens to be the daughter of a colleague. I just joked with her and told her if I had known she had an appointment she could have just come with me and I could have taken her to school. We both kinda laughed that very uncomfortable laugh. She was with her dad, not my friend, so he really looked at me strange.


Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 5:06 pm
by M1k3y
My bestfriend already had braces when I got mine and this other girl that I've known and cared for awhile just got braces 3 months ago. I am certainly not alone and I am thankful for that. When I see other in braces I just smile because having braces is a lot more acceptable in today's society as opposed to having braces back in the 80s. It should not be a weird feeling but I guess to each their own.