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Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:28 pm
by I_LiKe_PiNAPpLeS
Yar..well I'm going into the orthodonitist tomorrow.

However my teeth are being weird. They for some reason have become sensitive to anything cold (I've had them for a year now and they've never done this before). I was assigned elastics that start on one tooth, wrap around the next and latch on to the other tooth. This causing my jaw to open about half an inch. There was a gap between my two front teeth but the ortho put a power strip on it..they are now together, however there's a space at the top while the bottom of the teeth are together. And my bottom braces haven't been touched in like 8 monthes!

Have you ever had the feeling your ortho doesn't know what he's doing? lol j/k

well I'll find out tomorrow

Re: eek!

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:37 pm
by Chris
Have you ever had the feeling your ortho doesn't know what he's doing? lol j/k
Not totally, but I wonder "what in the &%#$ is he doing that for and why doesn't he do this". Mine is not as communicative as I would like. :roll: