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blow to your mouth.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 12:30 pm
by payoki
I have a year old son and sometimes when I'm holding him, he tries to free himself by twisting and jumping and just the otherday he jumped up while I was holding him to change his clothes and his head bumped my mouth pretty hard. Since then one of my teeth has become very sensitive and I feel pain drinking room temperature water. I'm so worried if there's been a damage to the nerve or something. I'm just hoping that it'll go away but the pain is constantly there..has anyone had a similar experience?

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 12:55 pm
by susieq182
I have an 18 MO old Jack Russell Terror She knocks my jaw all the time hurts like Heck sometimes the pain goes away pretty fast others it lasts for days. I have to say it is much worse right after an adjustment. if you are concerned about the pain call your ortho they can let you know what you should do.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:18 am
by blondie111
Ohhh, I know that pain all to well! I have a 125 lb. St. Bernard puppy that thinks to wake me up in the morning, she must ram her snout into my mouth and give me kisses.... hurts a lot, one time she caused me to cut the inside of my lip too... but the pain eventually went away. It took a day or so, but I don't remember having sensitivity to hot or cold..

Definatly call your ortho if it takes several more days to stop hurting, just as a precaution.

Good luck!

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:21 pm
by farreach04
I ride horses and I have a persistent, nagging fear that one of them is going to whack me in the face with their head. Of course, it has happened before, but never while I had braces. :P

5 or 6 years ago, a friend of mine had her braces go completely through her bottom lip when her pony stopped at a jump and she flipped over his head, face first, into the jump. Naughty naughty.