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Changing Orthodontists: London to Sydney

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 7:24 am
by Kazan
It looks as though I will need to change orthodontists in a few months when I move from London to Sydney. The move comes part way through my treatment and will last about a year. This means that I will still be in the passive (retention) phase by the time I come back. The move is work related and I could decline but really dont want to - not just because of my teeth!

I am seeing my London orthodontist next week for a tightening so will raise the subject then. However, I wonder if any fellow metal mouth members have any advice in changing orthodontists and, if there are any Australian members, whether they have advice about finding a good orthodontist in Sydney. KK - you usually have good advice and you're in that neck of the woods arent you!


1. I want to retain my UK dentist so will presumably have to pay him some kind of fee, even when I am away, so he doesnt take me off his books. His practice was hard to get into in the first place.

2. I currently wear Damon 3's. Is this system widely used in Australia? (I know some people dont like Damons but too late for that since I'm wearing them now!)

3. Do you have to get a referral from your existing orthodontist? Is there such a thing as an Australian Dental Association?

4. How do dentistry prices compare UK v Australia?

Maybe my existing ortho will have had patients switch all the time and there will be a well-oiled process but somehow I dont think so. It's hard enough finding someone you trust without having to switch. My only consolation is that Australians seem to have good teeth in general!!

Thanks for any suggestions


Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:26 am
by Kazan

Thanks a lot for the post and for the weblink. Am hoping that Sydney will give me the opportunity for lots of outdoors stuff - sailing, rock climbing etc.....Am slightly daunted though by just how far away it is........Anyway, back to teeth.

Could I pick your brains once more. The ASO link lists qualified orthodontists within Sydney which is really useful. The key to their various specialisms/techniques is a bit confusing though. I have posted the terms below. Appart from lingual, do any of these make any sense to you. I was expecting they'd say things like "ceramic braces, Damons, etc" but maybe the classification system is different.




Light Wire

Tip Edge

Straight Wire


Sequential Plastic Aligners[/i] [/i]

I will be checking with the orthodontist of course but always pays to have done a little research I think.



Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:47 am
by juf_84
Hi Kazan,

I'm afraid I can't help with the classification system as I'm only brand new to the whole braces thing myself! From what I can remember from my (internet) research they are different approaches to orthodontics. I would probably google it to get more info! I may be completely off track!

I *think* my ortho is based in Sydney (I am in regional NSW so I think he just flies up here every so often). As you can see from my sig, I have only just begun so I can't really tell you much about him, except he's absolutely lovely and was one of the big factors in my decision to go ahead.

I will see him in 2 or 3 weeks and by then I hope to know all the details, and if he is based in Sydney and I'm still as impressed I'll give you his details.

Best of luck with everything, especially the move, it sounds really exciting! I would LOVE to get to work in London for a year! :D
