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Mystique versus 3M Clarity braces

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:14 am
by africanviolet
Does anyone know the difference between these two types of ceramic braces? Thanks.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:24 pm
by africanviolet
Thanks for the web sites. I've looked at both of them. I was wondering if anyone has seen them both in person. I'd also like to know if one is actually smaller than the other one or performs better.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 9:08 am
by GrillCheese
I have Clarity - was supposed to get Mystiques in the beginning but after my Ortho had tested them on a dozen patients or so, he found the Neo Clips had a tendency to pop open on their own and just became a hassle. He's been "in the biz" for about 30 years now, so I don't think it was his experience level. Since he ended up using ligs on all the Mystique brackets anyhow, he just didn't bother ordering them anymore!

The idea sounded great though - no staining, so I was disappointed whn I found out I wouldn't be getting them. But the Clarity have been fine also. Hardly any chafing.

Good Luck.