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getting cold feet

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:58 pm
by bbdoll11
I'm a newbie here and haven't posted in awhile. I'm 36 and currently being treated with a splint at night for TMJ issues. I started treatment about 1-1/2 months ago after a consultation with an orthodontist my dentist recommended. This ortho suggested splint therapy for 6-8 months followed by both top and bottom braces for a deep bite and crowding. (I also wore braces in Jr. high for 2 years).
Here's my dilemma----at my appointment last week (which was just to check my progress with the splint), my orthodontist was shocked at how well I'm doing (GREAT news!!). The clicking in my jaw has subsided tremendously and the pain in my jaw joints has definitely diminished). The ortho told me that after the next appointment (which is in 5 weeks), as long as everything is still going well with the splint, I'll get my braces. :shock: The problem is that I'm currently almost 4 months pregnant (which my ortho knows). I hadn't expected to be getting braces until after my delivery date (which is in November), so the news took me completely by surprise. I didn't think I'd get cold feet, but the possibility of getting braces within 2 months is starting to get me scared. The ortho wants me to get the braces before I get too uncomfortable (and big)!!
I reacted to his comment by asking him if I could wait until after my delivery date (which he said I could, if I wanted to). But, part of me wants to just get the process started (the sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish, right?!) I'm excited, but I don't know how I'll feel with new braces and being really pregnant. My husband thinks I should just go for it now. (He says that time will be an issue after the baby's birth, and we already have a 5-year old daughter). But, I'm already worried about the reactions I'll get from my family and friends. HELP!! :crazy:

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:05 pm
by fitchick
Hi bbdoll11,

Firstly, Many Congratulations on baby number 2!

You seem to be steaming ahead with your treatment. Why delay it any further than necessary now you are doing so well? I think your husband is right. Get the braces underway as soon as possible, like you say, the quicker you start, the quicker you finish. And you will be so busy when baby arrives that you won't have time to think about your teeth and they will take care of themselves.

As for family and friends, I think they'll be very proud of you for taking the decision.

Good Luck with baby and your perfect teeth.


Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:54 pm
by blondie111
I have to agree with fitchick on this....... go ahead and get them done NOW while you are still fairly "small". Sooner you get them on, sooner you will get used to them and over the initial pain and not being able to eat solid foods. Do this now while you are somewhat comfortable, so when you are 9 months along, you can only be miserable one way instead of 2 :D

And I've seen other women post here about being pregnant and in braces, and it doesnt' really bother them. That will probably happen to me too!

Good luck with your decision, and congrats to you and your husband on your second child! :jump:

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:38 pm
by jcdamon3

Just one quick comment. It is very hard to eat when you first get your braces on. When you are pregnant it is very important to get proper nutrition. Make sure you get an excellent smoothie recipe with lots of vitamins and fiber so that you can keep your calories up. I would say that your normal eating will be interrupted for 1-2 weeks so bone up on all the good soft recipes on the website and make sure you take great care of yourself and that baby!

Good luck with your pregnancy and your brace day!

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:12 pm
by chrisd
i say go for it, the sooner on the sooner they are off. good luck and congratualtions

thanks for the support!

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:41 pm
by bbdoll11
Thanks to everyone who has posted replies to me! I really appreciate the feedback and the moral support. This website has been really informational to me, and knowing that other adults have made the decision to be braced makes it a little easier to face for myself. I'll keep you all posted once I see what my ortho says on the next visit! Thanks again!!! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:49 pm
by ssfw
Hi bbdoll1 1,

First, congratulations on Baby#2!

Something similar happened to me. I had an expander placed in January 2006 and was told that I would get my upper braces placed after the expansion was done which was suppose to take 6 months. I was happy with that because I had some special events happening prior to July and didn't want to get my braces until after the events. Well, at the end of April when I went in for my second adjustment he informed me that I didn't need an adjustment because the expansion was done and I no longer had a crossbite. He said I was done with the expander about 3 months earlier than his estimate which really is good news but in the back of my mind I was counting on July. He said I could get the upper braces at my next appt., which I had already scheduled for the week after, if time allowed on the schedule. When they were looking at the calendar they found there wasn't time on the day of my next appt. They looked at the next week, which they had availability, but I was going to an event that afternoon, so I asked him how long I can delay it - he told me about 3 months at the max. In the back of my mind I knew the sooner I got them on the sooner I would get them off. I scheduled to get my braces 5/19/06 (which was 3 weeks after that appt. in April) knowing that I could reschedule the appt. I am so glad I got my braces on 5/19/06, one less thing to get stressed out about.

Also, if you get the braces on as soon as possible, you will get use to flossing, etc., one less thing to get use to after your baby is born. This will also give you time to adjust to your braces too. I have had no pain/discomfort from the expander, spacers or braces, yet, and hope my luck continues.

I hope this info has helped. I'm sure it's nice to hear that others have similar concerns.

Good luck with your ortho treatment and the new addition to your family.
