Starting to get Freaked Out

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Pirate Wench
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Starting to get Freaked Out

#1 Post by Pirate Wench »

:yikes: I get my uppers on June 15th and I am starting to freak out. I am so nervous about the whole event! I am worried about pain, the treatment not eliminating my migraines, ensuring I keep them clean enough. I am even worried about family reactions.

I know I am being rediculous, but I am starting to get cold feet about getting the braces at all! :roll:

I get them in 9 days and I can just imagine how worried I will be by then!

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#2 Post by Dark_angel »

Just relax, im sure everyone felt nervous. But you'll be just fine and afterall at least once there on you've started and you can start the count down to having them off.

Regular checks means that any hygiene problems will be picked up before any damage is done to your teeth. IF your migranes dont go away you'll have nice teeth and i recently read about botox being a cure for migranes. Do you really care what other people think? IF they say anything nasty just smile and say well maybe you could give my ortho a call to look at your teeth.


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#3 Post by stephy79 »

Pirate Wench,

I feel exactly the same way. I get my uppers on the 15th too. I am worried most about how I will look and people's reactions. (Especially my husband, who has been in Iraq for a year and will come home to a wife in braces.)
I just can't wait to get these spacers out. They are driving me nuts! Do you have spacers?


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#4 Post by eaglesoaring »

Pirate Wench- First off, thanks for your reply on an earlier thread. Glad you are preparing your little one...good idea!

It's day 2 for me, and let me tell you...I'm doing fine. One tooth or another is sore, at any given time, but I'm really not in super bad pain. Ortho said the worst pain I'll have when I leave the office is due to the "build ups" on my back teeth. He was right. They aren't painful, just uncomfortable...and I can't chew, so I can't eat anything but soft foods. (Ramen, applesauce, refried beans with melted cheese and sour cream, etc...) (Hey, I needed to drop a few pounds anyway). Then, he said to expect some pain today...well, I'm still waiting. Yes, I have pain, but not so bad I need anything for it at this time.

Listen to me...on my way to the Ortho, to get my braces on, I thought I might have an anxiety attack. Seriously silly, I know...but not at the time. I had to concentrate on slowing my breathing. (I've never had an anxiety attack in my life). But I was nervous. It's normal. You are committing to something for 1-3 years (depending on your treatment time), and that is A LOT. It's MORE TIME THAN HAVING A BABY!! I'd rather get some sort of face lift. Or least that's over and done in 6-10 weeks! In fact, I went alone (without hubby) for fear I'd cry or something...and I just didn't want to do that. Because I went alone, I had some time to clear my head on the drive over, and ask myself if I really wanted this. I came to the conclusion that everyone else would just have to deal with it. As a mom, I'm sure you don't get a chance to do much for yourself, if take this leap! You'll be so happy you did! Honostly, everything will be okay. A bit uncomfy, but the process was NOT painful at all. And, I'm pretty sensitive to pain. Believe can do this!

I, too, worried about what my family would say, what my ex-would say, what my friends would say...well, I found most of them to be supportive, and only a couple to be..uh...unpleasantly surprised. So what? They are my teeth, and I want to keep them for a LONG time, and when they're in dentures...and I'm not...I'll shake my cane at them!! LOL.

Oh, and I had migraines, and I started taking vitamins (childrens chewable as I'm sensitive to full-strength ANYTHING), and my migraines have since been much less often!

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#5 Post by paulosportz »

im with eaglesoaring.
we got ours done 2 days ago and for me aswell! there was no huge pain or the feeling of a baseball bat being implanted into your face.

u will feel abit of discomfort due to the pressure but nothing to the point where u cant handle it.

the only thing i hate is not being abe to feast on a huge peice of steak while the rest of my family members are but im sure i will be in a few more days.

as for the braces itself, yeah it might make u look abit different but hey! look on the bright side. they will be off in couple years and u will be walking around smiling at nothing! rather then hiding ur smile for the rest of ur life

GO for it! think of the future =]

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#6 Post by jcdamon3 »

I got pretty freaked out before I got my braces too. It is totally normal I think. As humans we sometimes freak out a little bit about the "unknown". I had a few sleepless night before getting braces and was pretty obsessed over it. I wanted my braces day to be done with so that I could be on the other side of that day. Now I get really excited at each adjustment wondering what will happen and what the ortho will do. Enjoy your last few brace free days. Have a nice big juicy hamburger or steak and some tortilla chips. (Well I eat it all now but it's just not the same with braces).

Anyway good luck!
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
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#7 Post by lionfish »

Piratewench, you're not being ridiculous at all. I was as nervous as anything in the 8 weeks leading up to treatment starting and considered "rescheduling" several times.

I'd been told that popping painkillers before getting my upper braces would be a good idea, so I dutifully went out and bought some. Four months later, the bottle remains unopened.

I couldn't figure out how I would keep them clean, but with some simple instructions and a bit of perseverence, I've managed just fine.

As for people noticing and reacting, the novelty soon wears off.

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#8 Post by missing_tooth »

Were here for you, it's really not that bad. I know I was pretty uneasy about it. Afterwards realized I was worried all for nothing. For me it was painless, farily easy, and was able to smile when I left the place :)

Relax, don't sweat it, it'll all be ok.

- Missing Tooth -

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#9 Post by josephine »

If it's any comfort, the pain I had had prior to braces due to my crossbite in back disappeared quickly once I had the braces on. There's no guarantee it will help that quickly for everyone's problems, but if it's not helping you after a few months you can talk to your ortho about changes. Meanwhile take a deep breath and give it a try. Hopefully it will be just the treatment you need.

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#10 Post by Jillianleab »

I was really freaked out before I got mine put on too. I think I slept about two hours the night before and I was in NO MOOD to have people poking around in my mouth. I sat in the chair the whole time thinking, "My god, what have I gotten myself into?" and was seriously worried I'd cry when I saw myself in the mirror the first time (I didn't). But you know what? I got over it. I got over all the anxiety, because I said to myself that as an adult sometimes we have to do things we don't like. I don't like having braces, I still have moments of insecurity or anxiety (I'm about 3 weeks in), but honestly, it's getting better day by day. Like so many others here I try to focus on the end result, and know that some day, it's all going to be worth it.

You can do this - we ALL can! :wink:

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!

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Pirate Wench
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#11 Post by Pirate Wench »


Thank you all so much for your replies. It has made a world of difference to me to have the support from all of you. I don't know any of you personaly, but it has been wonderful that I have been able to talk to people in the same situation as me.

I know all treatments are different, but I just wanted to say I really appreciate all of you.

After reading all your replies, I know I will definately go through with the treatment. I am taking my husband with me for his support on b-day. He will help me to remember to ask all the questions I have for the ortho. Even tho I know he thinks I am going to look rediculous with braces, I know my hubby will kiss me and tell me I am beautiful regardless!

:thumbsup: Thanx again for your support.

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#12 Post by Jillianleab »

I thought my husband would think I looked silly with my braces on, especially since I think they make me look so young. But, being the loving and supportive man he is, he constantly tells me how beautiful I am and that he loved me before braces, will love me during, and love me after! Your own hubby may surprise you :heart:

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!

See my braces story with lots of pics here: ... 2806#92806

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#13 Post by fitchick »

Pirate Wench,

In my experience the 'not knowing what to expect before' was the worst. The fitting of the brace was completely pain-free, to me it just felt like I was having my teeth painted! I didn't even feel any pressure.

I am still feeling slightly self concsious, although at the fore front of my mind is the result I am after and not what others think. Although I get a tingling sensation at night, I have no pain at all (yet!!). The only comments that I have received after 5 days are positive ones. I was even told today, they looked 'cute'. You will be fine, and if you have any concerns there are enough people on here to give you endless support.

Good Luck and let us know how it goes.


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#14 Post by Gennel »

I get my uppers on June 15th and I am starting to freak out.

I think many people freak out days before they get their braces.I suggest to do tons of research online which shows a step by step of what to expect.I witnessed my daughter getting braces. It's not as bad as some people think.

I am so nervous about the whole event! I am worried about pain, the treatment not eliminating my migraines,

Usually there is no pain getting the brackets on. You WILL feel sore either on the first or starting on the 2nd day.I suggest that you take 2 Tylenols at least 30-45 min before they start. They told my daughter to take 2 Tylenols every 4-6 hrs for 5 days straight. They said NOT to wait for the pain before taking something!

ensuring I keep them clean enough. I am even worried about family reactions.

You will get used to the cleaning routine after a few days. As far as family goes. There will be people supporting you 100% in your family and of course there is always a clown in the family that will try to make a joke! Keep in mind why you are doing this and be proud that you are doing it.

I know I am being rediculous, but I am starting to get cold feet about getting the braces at all!

You will be fine. You are not being rediculous ,it's totally normal what you are feeling. I have read in so many posts that sound just like you.

I get them in 9 days and I can just imagine how worried I will be by then!

I am the biggest chicken when it comes to dentists,period! I was terrified. and I bet I am and was one of the worst Phobia cases out there. The more I go with my daughter for her orthodontist visits the more that he puts me at ease. His staff is super nice and friendly.You will be ok.

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#15 Post by psychic »

You will get used to braces in no-time!

There is nothing to worry about! I think we all understand that anxiety, to me the worst thing was to imagine the reaction in other people (boyfriend, friends and even people in my work - i work with children!)... but i can assure you that i had no problem, everybody was truly supportive and even made jokes about the situation!

You will love to have braces, because you know that, at the end, you will have a smile even more beautiful!

Good luck and keep us posted!!!!

Metal Braces

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