Page 1 of 2 they hurt?

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:32 am
by Septimus
I think I'm in for 4 extractions....

Can someone who's had extractions done tell me honestly if it hurts and how much.....and what is the process involved....

I had one when i was about 9 because of an absys but i dont remember it...

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:11 am
by paulosportz
for my braces i had 4 extractions + one wisdon tooth removed.

well! the needle might give a little sting but other then that
its not to bad.

the extraction it self will be painless but u will feel alot of pressure being applied(depending on which tooth). dentist will need to use alot of force to yank it out.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:54 am
by Septimus
are you kidding me ?!?!?

thats good i suppose !!!

and where do they stick the needle in ???

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:16 am
by Septimus
thanks for that people

i was really dreading it until now

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:43 am
by momof2grlz
I second what everyone else said. I had two premolars extracted for braces. The worst part is the sting from the injection - but my dentist puts numbing gel on the injection site first, so even the sting was minor. No pain afterward unless you totally forget about the extractions and bite down on something too hard. Follow the aftercare instructions carefully so you avoid dry socket and you'll be fine. Good luck!


Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:47 am
by paulosportz
if ur worried baout needles just advice ur doc to apply more of this numbing cream they use
does help

other then that! shouldnt be a big problem

let us know how u go

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:41 am
by michael33
I guess everyone is different. I had 2 bicuspids yanked. I didn't mind the needle. Unbelievable pain during the extractions for me.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:51 am
by cookie
I had 2 lower 2nd bicuspids extracted for my treatment. TBH it wasn't the most pleasant experience. Not in that it was painful, rather, the injections didn't numb my mouth very well, and it took 7 injections and half an hour before the dentists was able to start removing the teeth. The teeth came out no problem and it didn't hurt one bit.

It was the eating and drinking for the week or so after extractions wwhich I found the biggest PIA. I was very aware of trying not to get food in the holes. I got a bit of throbbing pain about 5 days after when I think I got something stuck, but that's all.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:11 am
by Henna_the_braceface
Hi! I had 4 extractions too about 6 months ago. The injections might hurt a little bit but apart from that you will feel no pain becuase you're mouth will be numb. You will feel a lot of pulling though! Good luck :D

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:43 am
by nita
I had four extractions about 10 weeks ago. Just like the others, I wouldn't say that it hurt. Whenever I started to feel any pain, I just asked them for more numbing stuff.

It is a bit disconcerting, though, because they have to pull the tooth in different directions until it breaks away from the jaw. Just make sure that the person who is doing the extraction is kind - mine made sure to tell me what to expect and went slowly so that I wouldn't freak out. I guess he could tell I was nervous.

That night, I had a little soreness in my jaw, but really no pain after. Make sure to follow all the instructions and you'll be healed up in no time.

I know it's hard, but just try not to be too nervous about it. I think that the problems I had with my extractions were caused by my own nerves and not by the extractions themselves. :D

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:49 am
by JoeMama
I think that if you let the dentist know you're concerned about the pain, they'll generally make more of an effort to make sure you're comfortable.

Everyone is different. I had 4 wisdom teeth out, while I was out (cold). That was great for me because I'm a wuss. My husband had his out with just a local injection, and he was fine. He thought it would be a lot worse than it actually was. He said the worst part was the pulling.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:37 pm
by fitchick
Hi Septimus,

Great question! I have to have 2 extractions and I'm terrified. I thought twice about reading your replies in case I chickened out. Brilliant tip about the numbing gel, I didn't know they did that.

Will you post to let me know how yours go?

Thanks a lot and Good Luck,


Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:40 pm
by Henna_the_braceface
fitchick wrote:Hi Septimus,

Great question! I have to have 2 extractions and I'm terrified. I thought twice about reading your replies in case I chickened out. Brilliant tip about the numbing gel, I didn't know they did that.

Will you post to let me know how yours go?

Thanks a lot and Good Luck,

Good luck with you're extractions too! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:43 pm
by fitchick
Thank you Henna The Braceface!

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:34 pm
by Chris
Well, I have to say, truthfully, that each time was different. Once it was truly a piece of cake, another time, not so pleasant (not painful but dreadfully long taking out 2 wisdom teeth) and the last time was a tug of war with drilling to get the roots out (that was totally unpleasant). Again, its not that its painful but the drilling is disconcerting, you wonder if he's gonna drill right through the jaw. Sorry for the vivid description, you wanted to know the truth. After that experience, I want to be sedated next time. Afterwards I didn't have any major pain (no pain pills taken). I think it was all psychological, just the thought of what was going on. :roll: