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What I don't like about elastics

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:30 am
by Betty Bat
Part of this is just to vent, but I'd welcome any advice that anyone might have.

I've had elastics for 3 weeks now and I've found it to be the hardest part of the "braces experience" for me. Here's what I don't like:

- I think the elastics are much more obvious-looking than just my braces were. I have sapphire uppers and metal lowers, but now I have these ugly elastics between them. And, they show a lot! Don't know if a different color would help - mine are white/pearl right now.

- I feel much more tired. I wasn't tired with just the braces, but now it always feels like something is pulling my mouth around and it just makes me tired. I'm never really comfortable.

- I think that the elastics make me talk funny! I've noticed that people ask me to repeat what I have said more often than before. And, I just think that I sound different now.

I had braces for 7 months before I got the elastics. And, I really didn't know that I would need elastics until my ortho mentioned it at the appointment before I got them. Don't know how long I'm going to need them either. I'm certainly not going to give up on either the braces or the elastics, but this has certainly been the worst part for me.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:33 am
by tokidoki
Agreed, elastics are bad. Palatte expanders are worse as far as speech impediments go. You vent though, sister. Maybe extending your jaw will speed up the process ;p

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:36 am
by sophielafille

I feel the exact same way, on all counts! I just got elastics yesterday and they are just awful looking and making me lisp. Before these, I was sort of able to ignore my braces, or pretend that they looked kind of cute, or at least hope they didn't show too much. No more, these yellowish gross rubber bands are so obvious and disgusting, and my mouth is salivating more with them in :( My last few drops of self esteem are about to go down the drain I swear.


Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:32 pm
by Attagirl2
Yeah, and I have found that I don't dare sit across from anyone in the break room because when I eat, little flecks of saliva spring forth from my mouth - that never happened with just braces. That being said, I can see that they are doing their job. Hopefully it won't be long for any of us.


Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:31 pm
by LoobyLou
The most revulting thing about elastics I find is the way they get everywhere when you take them off. I keep finding the odd one here and there in my house and it's even more gross when it's the stained ones you find about a week after you wore it!!

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww :huh:

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:32 pm
by Marzipan
This made me laugh. Yes, I'm not fond of the rubber bands. They do actually cause some aching. On the othr hand they have been causing amazing progress. Never would have thought it, but the big side gap is entirely closed after 2 months. Still using elastics to drag the molars forward, but soon I hope to progress to another level of treatment.

Hang in there, because results are happening. :D

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:58 pm
by BraceFace12
Oh I hate the reverse elastics I have on right now. And I know what you mean about finding them all the time. They are everywhere.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:22 am
by weird_wired
Oh I'm glad you mention being tired! (Not that I'm glad you're tired, just that it indicates it is a valid symptom and not something I imagined!)

I find after a new strength or new configuration I get headachey the first couple of days, and really tired. Then after a few days when my teeth are used to the elastics, my jaw can get really really tired.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:43 am
by Clo
When I drop one on the floor, it seems to dissappear in a black hole. I
almost never find it back right away. And then, a day or a week later,
it suddenly appears somewhere on the floor. I think my bathroom has
indeed a floorcovering flat black hole. Each elastics that enters it is lost.
But that black hole doesn't like elastics too, so ejects it again after some
time. I am sure that is the reason, or is my imagination on the run again ...

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:22 am
by alexa
I think after wearing elastics for the last 14 months, I'm sort of "over" all of those complaints. They are what they are.

(but believe you me I'd do a happy dance if I could leave them behind for awhile!)

I do agree about them getting everywhere though. I find elastics in all sorts of places. If I drop one, I can never find it. Then like two weeks later it's sitting someplace where I never even removed the elastics. It's kind of freaky...


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:02 pm
I've had elastics for over a year now and I can't STAND them. Constant pressure and pulling, and I definitely have a lisp; you've just gotta think about the progress you're making!

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:34 am
by Betty Bat
Thanks for letting me vent and for the boost!

There are a few good things about elastics. One of them is that they kind of protect my cheek from the braces. I've found that my cheeks aren't nearly as sore as they have been in the past.

And, I know that my teeth really are moving. This may sound strange, but here's how I measured it. Before, I could bite down and then stick my tongue out - there was enough space between the upper and lower teeth when I was biting to fit my tongue through (try it sometime. I made my husband try and he couldn't get his tongue out between his clenched teeth, but I could). But now, I can barely get my tongue through.

Progress is wonderful!

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:37 am
by JennThompson79
I just wanted to say I am glad everyone is posting their "elastics" difficulties. I like knowing what to expect. Yesterday when the ortho put in the spacers, he told me upfront that I was going to have to wear elastics. Sooo, everyone keep posting!!!! LOL


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:21 pm
by susieq182
I hate it when my elastic snaps. talk about hurt. I agree they turn up all over the place. my brothers think it is good fun to take them and shoot them at eachother it makes i huge mess but keeps sunday dinners interesting

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:45 pm
by PnkPrincess024
the problems i have had are when i sleep...sometimes saliva comes out LoL...but i dont no if its that or if its because i cant breathe through my nose so my mouth has to be open (sinus).

another is when i got them i had the most horrible headache but im done with that.

ive never experienced the problems such as snapping or having a lisp thank god LoL, but when one falls on the ground WHERE DOES IT GO???