Braces and depression

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Braces and depression

#1 Post by tokidoki »

I'm curious about the link between adults with braces and depression. I did some brief, uh, google research and didn't find anything. I wonder if there's a link though.

As in, do some adults end up getting braces because they're depressed? (And why are they depressed? Because of teeth or something more to do with lifestyle?) Do some adults become depressed after they get braces? What sort of impact does it have on their social life?

I'm not looking to do an in depth survey here, just some informal case studies.

Me: I'm 20, female, in braces partly because I was in a dead-end relationship where I felt ugly. I ended the relationship, got braces, and now my social life is suffering because of insecurity, partially due to metalmouthness.

Feel free to share your stories and input.

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#2 Post by tokidoki »

Oh, braces and panic attacks, that would be interesting to hear about too. I've never really had them personally, but I can imagine. I knew someone my age that took pliers to hers.

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#3 Post by fitchick »

I can't say depression played a part in me getting braces. If anything I'd say it was the opposite. In the past +20yrs I have never had the guts, bravado, whatever to get braces, but I am now feeling very positive and it's that feeling that has made me realise that the only thing that stands in the way of me doing things for myself, is myself. I have always wanted nice straight teeth, I have been put off in the past by thinking about what other people would think, pain, can I deal with it etc. Now I just think, if I really want it done, then I will do anything to get to my goal. I am the only person standing in my way. And this time round I'm not going to.

The pliers did cross my mind last weekend. I have no idea how long I will have my TPA or anterior bite plane. I think if I did know then I'd probably reach for the pliers or something now. But when I think about that, I remind myself why I'm doing it, I look at those ortho pictures and I am back focussed on what I want to see at the end. The average treatment time of 18months flies by and I am so excited at the thought of that final day when the new me is revealed.

I can understand your feelings of insecurity with the braces. But why feel insecure when you are doing something so positive for yourself? Its what I call a challenge, and I'm up for a challenge. Just think how proud of yourself you will feel at the end of it all. You won't be able to stop smiling. I hope my input helps a little. It's working for me.

Good Luck,

Julie PS. The posts here help tremendously too, so THANK YOU EVERYONE!
Jun06 Lower brace on
Aug06 Root Canals completed
Mar07 Upper Brace on
July08 Braces off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Depressed before braces

#4 Post by SueFromNJ »

Questions about psychological aspects of teeth always interest me!

I fully admit I got braces because I was very upset about my life. I felt I was too ugly to ever suceed in anything, and unfortunately I think it was true! I never got anywhere in my career - I was always overlooked, and saw more attractive people advance around me all the time. It was hard to explain, but it was like I was never viewed as a "person of any quality", and no boss ever thought I was worth investing in, or getting to know! I was always overlooked, over and over. And forget seriously dating - just not going to happen! And well, no wonder - I looked terrible and everyone else looked great. I felt these ugly teeth of mine defined my low status in life, and were there for the world to see, and I could never hide it. :(

BUT I also admit that once I made the decision to get braces and started the process, things got better. I even landed a new job! I never been depressed while in braces, in fact I was very proud of them! I enjoyed flashing my metal smile, because it meant my low-status would soon be removed, and maybe I can move on with life in the way I want. :)

I was "debraced" two weeks ago, though my teeth are still somewhat hidden by retainers for awhile. But it was worth everything!! Nothing has instantly changed in my life since getting them off, but I feel so much better about myself! :) :)
Debanded in May, 2006! Total sentence: Three years and two months. Now in hawleys which make me gag! Before braces, I had dracula fangs in their own rows, and everything else was crooked, crowded, with a cross-bite, too!

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#5 Post by saycheese »

I've just come to the conclusion that some people are depressed about something for some reason or another.

I knew I needed braces as a teenager but I already felt awkward enough with acne and huge breasts that I didn't want to add braces to the equation. My parents never forced it.

As an adult, I just got used to the gap in my teeth. Some guys even found it sexy. I also always wondered if my ugly teeth held me back professionally.

Last year I was ordained and begun feeling real self-conscious about my teeth. So, here I am at 43 with braces.

I get self-conscious about my braces from time to time (the worst was during a wedding ceremony) but I really don't think most people notice.

My two cents~
ceramic uppers
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#6 Post by Marzipan »

Don't worry about your social life suffering. Just smile. I rather enjoy my metal mouth. And when your braces come off, you'll look beautiful AND you will still be in your early 20s - the perfect time for dating. So buck up - you got braces to make you feel good about yourself. Good for you! :D

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#7 Post by Jillianleab »

Today makes three weeks that I've been braced. I made my decision because I thought it was finally time, and if I didn't do it now, I'd always make another excuse. I don't think I'm depressed since getting them, but I'm definetly grumpier. My patience is shortened and overall I can tell I'm not as "positive" as I used to be. I'm hoping it will get better as my treatment goes on and I can go back to eating normal foods.

So there's my input! Hope it helps your survey! Interesting idea, by the way.

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!

See my braces story with lots of pics here: ... 2806#92806

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#8 Post by nbrennan »

I know just how you feel! I'm 20 and I'm in braces too and I often feel totally self concious and ugly. But trust me I don't think anyone really cares that you have braces and if they do then they are not worth knowing. Seriously!

Right now I'm sort of feeling down about my braces because I was told I'd have them off in 3 months but now its been prolonged to 6 months. I feel like my self esteem is a bit low because of my braces. Like I don't feel confident enough to date people becuase I wonder if they will think that I'm wierd that I have braces. These are totally normal feelings to have

But when the logical part of my brain starts working I realize that most people don't even notice braces and don't care. I totally understand how you feel however! Just keep thinking about the end result and try to get really "active" in your progress. ask lots of questions, take pictures, keep a diary. It will really get you excited about your braces. And if anyone ever asks you about them act really positive because it will make everyone else around you positive too. One of my friends was really annoying about my braces always making stupid comments and I just kept getting her back by saying things like, "my teeth are going to look so good they are off." or " i'm geting special whitening done when they come off".

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#9 Post by ingyandbert »

People will not be bothered about your braces unless YOU are. Frankly, most people don't really care because it's not that important in the long run.

As for me, my braces had nothing to do with depression. My dentist recommended them because a bite problem was causing uneven tooth wear. I'm 45 years old and I've had no change self-esteem due to braces. I don't care that I'm an adult wearing braces. They're only temporary and I've got better things to worry about than what some people might think or whether I look different with them.

There are things in everyone's life to get depressed about if you look hard enough. Generally speaking, people are about as happy as they decide to be. Don't let the fact that you have braces hold you back or be an excuse not to do the things that will move your life forward. It's up to you to decide what your attitude is going to be. You can say, "Oh, I'm wearing braces. Isn't it terrible? I feel so ugyl!" Or you can say, "I'm wearing braces. This is great -- my teeth are going to look fantastic!"

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braces and depression

#10 Post by kander »

hi, i am (just turned)42.
i have been in braces, (ceramic upper/lower) 16 months. i was just told at my last appt that the braces will come off next month... i am both happy and scared about this visit. i had to replace a few ceramics a few visits ago and boy was it painful...

any way, back on the subject.
having braces definetly changed my life. especially in the beginning, my oldest daughter said, mom you look sad. you used to be so out going.
talking, eating, everything changed w/ my braces. i never seemed to get used them or like them like a lot of people on this board. i wished and longed for the day, but it never came.

it has been almost 18 months but the time does fly by. so, hang in there and know you will have a nice outcome that will last the rest of your life.

p.s. anyones debracing stories would be greatly appreciated.
braces on 2/2/05
ceramic top and bottom


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Re: braces and depression

#11 Post by bbsadmin »

p.s. anyones debracing stories would be greatly appreciated.
There are a few debanding stories on our main site:
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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#12 Post by Banana1214 »

I was 23 when I got braced... I've always had teeth that embarrassed me, but my parents didn't want to do it when I was younger and as I got older I just figured I'd live the way I was, even though I hated smiling and taking pictures. Well, last May I had a baby and for the first few months everything was fine. Then, as he got around the six-month mark, I started feeling really down and unhappy and I didn't know why. In February, I decided that since I'd graduated college and hadn't yet started a "career" because I was taking care of my son, I might as well spend a couple of years fixing my teeth.

I'm very happy I got my braces and have already had much improvement, but incidentally, about two months after I got my braces, I visited my ob/gyn because of my feelings of sadness, and she diagnosed me with late-onset post-partum depression and put me on Zoloft. I'm feeling much better now and I wonder whether my depression in some way led me to decide to get braces, maybe as a way of improving something in my life since I was feeling so bad emotionally.

So there's my story.

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Braces at 21

#13 Post by ASUDEVIL23 »

I ended up getting braces at 21 and now (at 23) I'm 20 out of 24 months into my treatment and I'm glad that I got them. It's really disheartening at times because being a 23 year old guy graduating from college, trying to get a job, trying to have a steady girlfriend can be extremely difficult.

I got my job, graduated from college, and still going after the girl, but it's frustrating because I am not taken seriously sometimes. At times it can be extremely depressing, especially for me at this point of my life. Other times I know it will be for the best just 4 months down the road.

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Re: Braces and depression

#14 Post by krissytron »

I've suffered from anxiety and depression, diagnosed last March and since getting braces (for the third time) in April, it has only gotten worse despite being on a prescription and having a loving boyfriend.

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Re: Braces and depression

#15 Post by buttersnacks »

31 here. I've battled with depression for a long time, but I more got the braces to address my dentist's concerns about my bite. I haven't felt any change in my day to day life due to them, internally or socially. While this might have been different 10 years ago, I'm perfectly comfortable with them now, they're just kind of there. They make eating a little annoying at times but that's about it. For me, the two aren't linked, they just coexist independent of each other.

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