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Taking the plunge

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 1:46 pm
by jbjalways
getting xrays & study molds tomorrow and hopefully have a final consulation to get a treatment plan soon after that.

I'm already freaking out because what if I don't like the final treatment plan? I don't want to wear braces for 24-30 like this guy said.

I hope I chose the right ortho too. As you can tell I'm a worry wart and will always double guess myself. The first Ortho promised a lot more and had pictures, but they weren't very nice when I asked questions so I am going with the 4th ortho who nicely answered questions, but didn't promise the world.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:31 am
by Pirate Wench
:-1 Just thought you should know you are not alone. I was freaking out about my braces last week. I am not trilled about wearing braces for a couple of years either. Just try to remember the reason for you going for the initial consult was to fix your teeth/bite!

Everyone keeps assuring me that after a while you pretty much forget that you even have braces.

Good luck with your decision on which ortho to go to. :thumbsup:

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 3:14 pm
by Joanna20
Like KK said two years in the most common time in braces, don’t forget there are a lot of stages involved – alignment, possible extractions, power chains to close gaps blah…! I know what you mean by always double guessing yourself, I was like that for a really long time too, the best advice I have to give is to remain positive! All problems have a solution and yours isn’t going to be any different! Make sure you do enough ortho research and that you feel comfy with your doctor!
Wish you the best of luck,

Re: Taking the plunge

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:32 pm
by Kimber
jbjalways wrote:The first Ortho promised a lot more and had pictures, but they weren't very nice when I asked questions so I am going with the 4th ortho who nicely answered questions, but didn't promise the world.
Sounds to me like you picked the best one! It sure wouldn't be good if they promised more than they could deliver then half way through treatment came back and said, "well, we were wrong!" It's always good to deal with an honest doc who answers all your questions.

Good luck!


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:34 pm
by jbjalways
Thanks Kimber, I am hoping I picked the right one too. They seem nice and answer questions. I have to make the step to do it now or I never will.

Wish me luck!