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Top front eight teeth braces!THE HURT ALREADY!:(

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:29 pm
by SamanthaClavier
i can stand it but i dont even want to eat.they hurt darn it.i tried to floss some spots are "REALLY" tight,they were not before!matter fact this expander gave me ALOT of gaps.i think by the end of the week ill have none! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:52 pm
by Kimber
Try ice cream or frozen yogurt or some other yummy, creamy comfort food that you don't have to touch with your teeth at all. I've eaten so much ice cream since the spacers went in, then the braces a couple of days ago that I'm joking I'm going to be the one that gains weight instead of losing it :D

Hang in there, listen to KK, take painkillers and it will get better ... then it will get worse ... then better and then in a few years it will be over and you'll have that wonderful smile!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:40 am
by JoeMama
Yes Samantha - do something nice for yourself! I just had more brackets and a new wire put on and my teeth hurt like hell too. My poor co-workers caught the brunt of it yesterday. I went home and treated myself to a beer and a nap, got to skip my work out. And now reading these other posts makes me want a milkshake... The pain will pass, just go easy on yourself.