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Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:40 am
by MrsDantel
I know it has been quite awhile since I have been here.. SOme of you may recall my last dilema.. I couldnt decide if I should get the braces off for my wedding or not or if I should have the potographer take the braces out on photoshop.

I am happy to report that I:

1 Just got Married last month (May 14)

2 I opted to have the braces off and put back on the day after the wedding. 300 bucks. and also had my teeth whitened 350 bucks...

HOWEVER I do NOT recomend anyone get thier braces off and whitened in the same day as I did.. the sensitivity was AWFUL durring and afterwards for a few days then subsided. Next time I will wait a couple weeks when the braces come off for good.

I am so glad i did it.. I cant believe how great my smile is now... even though my ortho said I still have until Summer 2007 left to go.. I still see imperfections and a gap or two but over all... they look alot better than they did before! I can totally do another year even if it is a pain in the butt LOL

Well here are some before shots when I first got braces and following my pretty wedding NO BRACES pics...

Before -

May 2006





Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:53 am
by JoeMama
Congratulations MrsDantel!! You're teeth and wedding look wonderful. That's great that everything turned out so nicely. Was it hard to have the braces put back on? I know if mine ever came off, they'd probably never go back on... Did you have a lovely honeymoon as well?

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:59 am
by MrsDantel
nope not at all it was just as before when they put them on the first time.. infact I cant stand the thought of the process of taking them off again.. I hated that,, not that it hurt ... it was annoying and the cracking and scraping sounds ACH! LOL

I have to say though I had discomfort (not as bad as getting braced the 1st time.. but bad enough)

the honeymoon was amazing! We went to the Bahamas, we are planning to go back for a weekend soon.. (yep already) and then in NOV we are going to Hawii for a 2nd honeymoon..

I will probably be fat and pregnant by then LOL We will begin trying for baby number 1 next week!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:59 am
by Evelyn
WOW! Your smile looks absolutely fantastic, you have beautiful teeth!

Congratulations on getting married, it looks like it was a great time :D


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:03 pm
by MrsDantel
It was... The best day of my life as of yet!
And about my teeth... thanks so much I honestly never thought they could be pretty.. ever... I never smiled in photos.. infact.. to see these photos is so odd because I am smiling..
If I were to only see a picture of my smile.. I tell you, I wouldnt know whos it was!!
It is definetly a challange to not cover my mouth still.

Braces are back on now... but im still smiling..

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:04 pm
by 36nBraced
great pictures and amazing progress on your teeth!

Congrats on the wedding and the great smile!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:06 pm
by MrsDantel

Thank You SO much! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:12 pm
by fitchick
Congratulations Mrs Dantel! The wedding photos looks lovely. And your must be so happy. What a beautiful smile. You are what we are all aiming for. Husband too in my case!!! I just cannot imagine having teeth that are so straight and inline that I will want to smile and smile and smile.

Good Luck to you both for your future together and I hope we hear some more good news from you soon!


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:16 pm
by eaglesoaring

WOW!!! What a difference, huh? Your teeth are lovely! And your wedding looks like it was a memorable, what-every-girl-dreams-about kind of day! Congrats! And, I'd like to say congrats on getting your family started! I have one son (9 years old), and the joys I've experienced with him are...well...I can't even describe it! I've never loved so much as when he was born...and I still look at him, at times, and am overcome with such pride! Good luck with getting your new life started! You and your husband make a beautiful couple!

I'm impressed that you had your braces taken off for the wedding...I'd have done the same thing! Looking at your beautiful pics/teeth, I imagine you know it was worth all of the discomfort!

Warm wishes to you and your husband... :)

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:21 pm
by Indy
Hi Mrs D. Congratulations! Your pictures look BEAUTIFUL! I remember your last post, I believe I replied. $300 to have the braces removed then put back on isn't bad! I'm glad you did what made you happy and that you showed off your beautiful smile.

I will be getting married next summer with braces (probably have them on 10-11 months by then). I can't have them temporarily removed because we are planning on getting married in Hawaii and will stay for the honeymoon, but I'm okay with having them in the photos. However, I must say, after seeing your photos I had a small moment of wishing I could get them off :)

Congrats again and good luck with the baby making :)


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:24 pm
by MrsDantel
Ya know I could never have imagined straight teeth eitherl.. and Funny enough I dont notice when I brush I dont even bother to look look, just make sure no food is in there... I only notice in pictures how much better they look LOL
Thank you for your well wishes! and I hope to be bringing you all some great news also :oops:


Ther wedding was perfect! No issues nothing bad happened or anything! It was like a fairytale, what I always dreamed of as you said! 100% perfect!
As for children.. all my life I have known I was meant to be a mom. Im turning 28 soon yep 28 and its time.. I soooo excited!
Thank You so Much for your warm wishes!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:32 pm
by MrsDantel
You still can if you wanted to... Mine were off for a little over a week! and my teeth didnt shift...

how long are you to be in hawaii? Im going in Nov... not sure where though!

COngrats on your upcoming wedding! are you stressed yet? I was.. 2 weeks before I was sooooo stressed that I ended up gaining weight before the wedding!! Thank GOD for the corset LOL ! and I continue to gain thanks to my husband demanding I drink juice and milk and eat this and that... and im not pregnant yet.. LOL he even asked me last week if I was... all I could say through laughs was.. not that im aware of LOL Im even on prenatal pills!

I was also so stressed that I forgot to send the invites! they went out maybe 2 - 3 weeks before the wedding! Hopefully you will keep yo0ur sanity LOL
Thanks for the luck!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:45 pm
by SmileyGirl
Wow! Your smile looks great!

Looking at your "Before" reminds me so much of my own smile... My #7 was tucked behind #8 just like yours, and that lower canine overlapped in exactly the same way, both canines, in fact, just like yours. Midline off, too. Unfortunately my #6 (canine) was impacted and I had it extracted at 17 along with my wisdom teeth. Now I am having to substitute my #5 for #6 and will have to have some cosmetic work done there.

I mentioned all that because I see your "Before" smile and it's easier to imagine that my teeth will look that great someday!

You looked great. Congratulations!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:50 pm
by MrsDantel
Thanks so much...Im sure your teeth will look great.. I didnt have much hope for my teeth and they are almost there... I still have a gap on my left side from and extraction.
How long have you been in braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:34 pm
by SmileyGirl
MrsDantel ~

I have lots of hope!

I've had top brackets for about 2 1/2 months.

I really went in just for my midline. I HATED it! I was not even worried about the bottoms at all, even though they were obviously jacked up (as I like to say--lol). But, of course, I soon learned that you can't just move SOME teeth, so here I am...

My estimated treatment time is 28 months. Seems like a long time, but I figure after 28 months, I can either be smilin' pretty or not! Either way the time is going to go by...