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2 weeks and counting

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:49 am
by Jeneva
The calendar is ticking down - and i know that in 2 weeks my life and diet will change due to getting braced. I will admit that i am having some farewell snacks of popcorn, caramels, gum and other bad for braces goodies, but i suppose that on a positive note i will eat healthier and hopefully lose a few pounds!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:05 pm
by fitchick
Hi Jeneva,

I recommend eating all your treats pre-braces. As I have to clean my teeth after I eat, I am eating just 3 meals a day and no inbetween snacks. It also takes me twice as long to eat simple foods, rice, pasta etc and I am full quicker. I lost 4lb in week 1, and stayed the same week 2 luckily. The last thing I need is to lose any weight. So I recommend making the most of it, and eating all the sweet, sticky, gooey things now.

I look forward to reading your update in 2 weeks. Keep us posted.

Good Luck.


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:11 pm
by 36nBraced
i agree. i'm in my 2nd day of braces (top ceramic) and eating as well as flossing seem like a cruel joke with these things. everything gets stuck in them unless you're on a liquid diet and flossing takes me at least 15 - 20 minutes. i hope this shrinks as i get more comfortable with the akwardness of it.

when i heard of people losing weight, i wondered why. now i see, you want to eat but the chore of cleaning up afterwards, changes your mind. my best friends now are my toothbrush, mouthwash and water. swishing water around your mouth after you eat helps to clear out a lot of the food that may be stuck before you brush.

just think it's only 2 years or so with these things :D

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:17 pm
by MrsDantel
COngrats on getting braces soon... Make sure you stock up on soft foods and pain killers.. You will need them
You will be SO glad you did this in the end.. I am and Im not even done yet!

I know exactly how you feel! been there and hated it.. and still do.. right now im pretty sore from my last adjustment the other day since getting the braces back on..
soft foods for me.. but, worth it.
and yes I hate flossing and don't do it as much as I should.. I know... im bad, but.. sometimes Im just too darn tired or lazy..

as for losing weight... i lost like 20 lbs in a month... It was severely painful for me and I was on liquid for almost an entire month!

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:06 pm
by lionfish
Er, I eat cashews....

And pork crackling, biscuits, hard crusted breads, chocolate, salamis, pizza crusts and if I liked popcorn (which I don't) I'd eat that too.

I might go a bit easy on some of this for a few days after an adjustment, but stop eating the good stuff? No way.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:39 pm
by lionfish
Stace, you will find your own comfort level when it comes to food.

I'm a complete food nut, so there was never going to be any question of denying myself.

In fact, I'm out to dinner tonight with friends and I sincerely hope they're serving up something hearty because I'm going to dig out a big red to take along.

One of the party got braces last year, hasn't seen me since my braces went on so will be interesting to see if she spots mine. She's the youngest of the four of us - in her late 40's!

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:03 pm
by Kimber
If you like crusty bread, don't forget to pig out on it before you can't for awhile! I so miss fresh hot sourdough french bread. Yeah, you can tear it into small pieces and eat it that way, but it's just not the same... :?

A week in I'm finding I can chew a lot more things, which is very nice. But I've got all this ice cream stockpiled and someone's got to eat it, right? :D

I can't imagine how long it would take to pick corn-on-the-cob out of these things. days...

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:19 pm
by lionfish
Like you say, someone has to eat the ice cream and the responsibility has fallen squarely on your shoulders - ha ha!!

As for corn on the cob.....too hard and way too messy.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:20 am
by Jeneva
oohhh.... i hadn't even considered that i'd have to say goodbye to corn on the cob - i suppose i'll have to take some time away just as all the good jersey corn is appearing in the markets.... sigh... on the plus side i made a yummy caramel fugde cake yesterday that i promptly scarfed up!

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:30 am
by juf_84
Hi Geneva!

Enjoy the yummy naughty stuff over the next two weeks- I have been stuffing myself full of fan tales and choccie bullets. Sadly I had to give away my popcorn yesterday as the spacers went in and sorry there is no way I can chew anything at the moment!

I am thinking of lots of soft yummy stuff I can have next week- at least it will be fun thinking up recipes and cooking!

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:48 am
by Jeneva
my spacers go in today... so i'll be feeling your pain in about 7 hours...

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:30 am
by jennielee81
I ate a ton of corn on the cob last summer. The only problem I had was cleaning it out of my braces.

I took the cue from my kid who never let their braces stop them from our seasonal addiction. When I eat it, I eat a lot in one sitting since the cleaning is no different after 1 than it is for 4 :oops: ears.

Just take it slow and be aware of what your biting into.

I had a lovely club sandwich last evening at a restaurant in my town. The bread was actually too hard! I was shocked. I haven't met up with anything I can't eat in the last 12 months or so, but this bread kicked my butt. I could not bite through it. :cry: I had to take the sandwich apart and eat it with a fork. This is always an option! So no harm hubby ate the bread. NO WASTE!

I also eat piece at a time to be sure there's no hard bits. Again, it's the clean up that's the problem...for me anyway.

Good luck to you! You'll do fine....

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:53 am
by Jeneva
That's encouraging! mmm... i can almost taste those golden buttery ears right now!! pass the salt and pepper!!

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:04 am
by Pirate Wench
I have to laugh because when I got my braces yesterday, I was given a list of "no no foods" and "be careful" foods. Corn on the Cob was on the "Be Careful" list. It just says to cut the corn off the cob before eating it. You can still butter it and salt it on the cob just like before. Just make sure you don't try to bite it off the cob because it will knock off your brackets! I love corn on the cob. It is on sale right now and soon it will be coming up in my mom's garden. I can't wait!

As for all the other foods....I ate a cheeseburger right after I got the braces on yesterday, I had chicken/corn kernels/and rice for supper, and I had froot loops and cheerios for breakfast this morning!

I think it will just take a little time to get used to how to chew these things and we will all do great!!! I found myself brushing my teeth excessively yesterday because of stuff in my brackets, but I am pretty sure that is what the dentist wants away I go!