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Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:52 pm
by stephy79
Tomorrow is my big day, and I am so nervous that I am sick! These last 2 weeks with spacers in has gone by so slow and I couldn't wait for tomorrow to come, but now that it's almost here I'm am freaking out! I hope everything goes well. I will try to post some pictures tomorrow after I get the braces on.


I get myuppers on tomorrow as well!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 2:37 pm
by Jared
Best of luck to you. I am also excited to get these stupid spacers out of my teeth and get the ball rolling.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 2:41 pm
by JoeMama
Good luck Stephanie - there aren't many of us who weren't scared and nervous so you're not alone. Just remember, things will get better. It doesn't seem like it in the beginning (and at certain stages in the process) but it does, don't worry too much! And again - GOOD LUCK!! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 3:28 pm
by fitchick
Hi Stephanie,

That time has gone quick. It seems like only yesterday that you said you were getting braces in a week.

Make sure you get lots of wax for the ulcers. And take photos at home of your teeth so that you can monitor your progress. The process of fitting the brace was fairly straight forward. It's the eating, or lack of eating afterwards that's the worst.

I look forward to reading your update tomorrow and following your treatment. I'm in day 13 of braces today and just keen for pain of some sort (can't beleive I'm saying that) pain means movement and without it I don't know that they are. I think my middle name is 'impatient'. Oh the joys eh?

Good Luck for tomorrow.


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 3:41 pm
by lionfish
I think most of us freaked out before brace day, so you're not alone. Make sure you've been to the toilet (bathroom) before you go. I did and it was just as well, as I was in the chair for an hour and a half.

And you will be fine.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:03 pm
by stephy79
Thank you all for your encouraging words! I am so glad I found this site!


Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:43 pm
by Kimber
Good luck! I just went through it last week so the memory is still very fresh! The worst part was the taste of the bonding stuff they use. I'd heard it was bad but it was worse than I heard. Not so much a taste as a sensation that your tongue is being eaten away! The good news was that they let me rinse as soon as possible and it went right away -- with no loss of flesh :D One of the most reassuring parts for me was when they fitted the brackets on my molars it was with this tool that I bit down on -- so if it hurt at all I could stop biting immiediately. It never hurt -- but it was just reassuring to know I was in some sort of control over that.

Think about what color/s you want for your ligs. I'd totally forgotten that part so when she handed me all these colors to choose from I couldn't decide!

Let us know how it goes!

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 1:03 am
by missing_tooth
I definately understand how your feeling. I know how nervous I was. Of all the stories you've heard, and pictures you've seen, I can assure you it really is not that bad. I'd much rather take a trip to the ortho than the dentist anyday.

Not to scare you, but take something for pain before you go. The worst part was my teeth aching a few hours later. Ok, you probably did not need to hear that.

Really getting braced is nothing.

oh, and if your worried about impressions, buy some cough spray to numb your throat, works wonders if your the type to gag.

- Missing Tooth -