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Question for the veterans

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:59 pm
by braced4asmile
Hi everyone ~
I found this awesome forum last week, just before getting braced on Wednesday. I felt empowered when I went in for my braces after reading many different topics. I haven't had a chance to introduce myself in the intro area and will write about my first day soon. Just had a couple questions for the vets or anyone who has experienced this ...

I really haven't had much pain after getting my braces on 6/14. Given that I'm quite a wuss when it comes to pain, it comes to quite a shock to myself. However, I feel like I'm using the dental wax way too much as a crutch. Without it, my brackets rub horribly on the inside of my mouth. I feel like I don't have metal mouth ... I have wax mouth. I feel like I'm covering up almost every bracket because they are so rough on my mouth. I have been doing the salt water rinse and also rinsing with Peroxyl from Colgate, more of preventative care than anything. So .... should I buy stock in dental wax?! Will I be using it all of the time during my journey? I'm already out of the little container of wax they gave me this week. I guess I am vigorously trying to avoid the inevitable sores.

The other question I have pertains to that wonderful saliva. I didn't realize until I was getting my braces on how "juicy" as the ortho called it, I am. I read about it on the website's info that it's the mouth thinking it's getting ready for food. It's driving me crazy ... I feel like I have a mouthful of saliva ALL the time!! Any cures for this juicy girl?!

I know it's all worth it and am glad I took the plunge. I'm just anxious to get rid of these minor annoyances! Thanks for listening to my whining!

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:26 pm
by Kimber
Welcome! I'm certainly not an expert yet, but I've already gone through one and 1/2 of those little containers of wax, too! I thought I was going to need it forever, but I've been gradually tapering off and it seems to be OK. My mouth is toughening up even with the wax. And I'm sure it's better to avoid those nasty sores all together than wait for them to heal while you're continually irritating them.

BTW Lynn does sell bulk wax on this site!

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:29 pm
by Chris
Extra saliva is normal, drooling at night is normal too. :lol:
Use the wax whenever you need it. Your mouth will toughen up and you won't be using it all through treatment. Occasionally, a bracket will irritate your mouth and you'll use wax again.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:39 pm
by nvcarissa
At the beginning I used wax a lot, but in order to wean myself from wax, I would take it off at times when I wasn't talking much or at all. Then I started only waxing at night. I know this seems counter-intuitive, but I found that if I had a sore spot, waxed it at night, it healed while I slept and I was able to face the day (or most of it) without waxing and my mouth seemed to toughen up faster.

After that, when I got a sensitive spot from tooth movement or whatever, I would again do a bit of wax at night.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:52 pm
by lionfish

I get all the wax I want from my ortho's office - free of charge.

I'm currently waxing two hooks on my lowers because they started to irritate the inside of my cheek yesterday - yay! movement! I imagine I'll stop doing this over the next day or two.

You'll soon be able to use your own judgment about when to wax and when not to wax.

The saliva issue will settle down.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:26 am
by bbsadmin
Oh yeah, extra drool is part of the joy of braces :lol:

I was told that you drool more because it feels like there's something in your mouth that needs digesting. Or something like that.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 5:42 am
by braced4asmile
Thanks everyone for your advice. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't overusing the wax, but sounds like that's not possible! Dental wax is my new friend!

I was searching to see if there is a special ratio for the salt water rinse. I've been just dumping some salt in a glass of waster and rinsing. Is there a ratio of water to salt or is it a best guess?

Thanks again for your replies. Day 4 and I'm off to get some more wax!

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:01 am
by Jillianleab
When I had my wisdom teeth removed, my OS told me to mix 1/2 tsp of salt to 6oz of warm water. I use that ratio anytime I rinse now (I usually eyeball the salt now tho). But, as long as the water is salty you should benefit from the healing properties of it.

Congrats on getting braced, by the way! Good luck, and I hope you will keep us all posted on your progress!

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:42 pm
by braced4asmile
Thanks! That helps a lot!

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:56 pm
by lionfish
bbsadmin wrote:Oh yeah, extra drool is part of the joy of braces :lol:

I was told that you drool more because it feels like there's something in your mouth that needs digesting. Or something like that.
When I started, the techos said that it was because "your mouth thinks it's food."

Some meal, I reckon. :roll:

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:50 pm
by nicholeuf
I used the wax only one time so far - the day my top wire came out of the last bracket on the top (the wire was too short apparently) and I had to hold the wire in place before my visit the next day to repair it. I found the wax more annoying than anything. It wouldn't stay put and it would drive me crazy. So, I don't use it.

I have ceramics on the top and metals on the bottom. I seem to notice that the ceramic brackets are less irritating than the metal ones. I am not sure if there is any validity to that, but that has been my experience.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:42 am
by CLAmom
Yes, definitely use wax as much as you need. At this point in time I rarely use it because it is annoying to me now but at first it was my best friend! Your mouth will adjust & toughen even when you are using it & it keeps you from getting those huge canker sores. As far as the saliva, I remember those days and actually miss them a little since now things have gone a bit dry. Your in the adjustment period which is longer for some people (me!!) and shorter for others. After awhile you'll be an old pro yourself & giving other new folks advice on this forum! :lol:

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:37 pm
by braced4asmile
Thanks for all of the advice. I am adjusting to the wax thing and actually starting to use less of it. Also getting used to having a mouthful of saliva!

Sorry if this has been in another post, but I am not feeling that great right now to do a search. Wondering about sinus headaches. I started having headaches last night (terrible ones) and over the counter drugs don't seem to work. I can tell my teeth are starting to loosen. Do the headaches last the whole time or are they something that subside as well?

Thanks everyone for your encouragement!!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:13 pm
by lionfish
I've not suffered headaches, but I would expect yours to subside. If they don't, check with your ortho and if necessary, your GP.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:06 pm
by JumpTheDitch
My $0.02 worth on the wax thing....

Don't be so quick to discount wax usage..

.. I thought after about 3-4 mths into braces I was done with the whole wax thing; I figured my mouth was fairly well toughened and had even taken the extreme step of no longer purchasing wax every week. "Ah good", I thought, "I'm through the toughening bit". Then a powerchain was installed to begin the extraction gap closure/overjet retraction.

"Come in and have the wires clipped if they start to poke you", Mr Ortho-Man said. "Hmm", I thought, "I guess sometime in the 6 weeks til my next appointment that could become necessary, but probably not. My mouth is pretty d*mn tough these days!". Within the first week I started getting pokey wires. Fully intending to make the trek all the way out to the Ortho-Man as soon as convenient, I tried to alleviate the problem by pushing the ends of the wires inwards using my toothbrush head, as suggested by KK. Only succeeded in making divots in my toothbrush head! :oops:

"I will go and get these wires trimmed", I said. Uh-huh. 5 weeks and innumerous cases of wax later at my next appointment, Mr Ortho-Man said, "Now make sure you come in and have these wires trimmed if they poke you". "Oh yes", I said, " this time I definitely will."

Five days later the wires are starting to poke again. Bring on the wax... :roll:

As for unneccesary buckets of saliva... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: