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Eating Everything.....But Still A Challange!

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:50 am
by Pirate Wench
Like I had posted before, I am already eating everything, although it is definately a challange. I find myself barely chewing then swallowing whether I should be or not! I can chew lightly, but if I try to chew like I mean it, there is too much pain.

I have also found yawning an issue :roll: . I have to unhook my cheeks from my braces before I can open my mouth all the way to yawn. The other thing I have noticed is that one of my hooks has made a sore on my lip and keeps getting stuck INSIDE the hole it has made.....OUCH :cry:

I just had to share and see if everyone else is having the same issues.

Anyway....Happy Brushing everyone! :-}

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:31 am
by JoeMama
Hi Pirate Wench - it will keep getting easier to eat/yawn/sneeze/whistle. It gets much much better as you go. For the first few weeks I couldn't chew and was using my tounge to smoosh food into the roof of my mouth. But before long I was eating just about everything on my "do not eat" list (carefully). And then you'll have an adjustment and be back to square one for a few days. But it gets better! Good luck! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:35 am
by fitchick
Hee, Hee! You sufferin' too?

This is fun isn't it? I have been living on pasta and rice for 1 and a half weeks now, anything else is just too difficult. Just as well I like pasta and rice eh? I also have a nice hole in the side of my cheek where my top bracket has nestled into. And this morning I woke to find that my lower brace has finally started to rub. I'm trying to convince myself that when I have that fantastic smile and those amazing teeth in 2 years time, that I'll look back and know it was all worth it! The recommendations on here to toughen the inside of your mouth is salt water rinses.

Good Luck, you are by no means on your own!!


Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:42 pm
by susieq182
The time flies by. I have been in-braces for 6 months now and it doesnt seem like its been so long. A bit of wax here and there helps with the really bad spots. Salt water rinses and soft foods. Just knowing there are so many great people out there going through the same thing and seeing how great the after pics look when someone gets debanded makes the experience so much easier to go through.
Braces $4189, water Pik $50, other dental do dads $150, knowing your not alone "priceless"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 2:01 pm
by Pirate Wench
:D Thanx guys......I know I am not alone in this great adventure, but talking to my hubby just doesn't work! I love him dearly, unfortunately he thinks I am just complaining when I talk about my mouth and accessories. He says I am the one that signed up for this and it is my choice to continue. I totally agree with him. I just wish he understood that it isn't a complaint so much as an observation :wink: . I think he is just getting sick of hearing about them....I have talked nonstop about them since I had my first consult just over 3 months ago.

I know it will get better....I just wish I could have been put to sleep for the initial aches and pains and been woken up when I am to the point that I can virtually forget I have them. I know adjustments will also cause some discomfort, but at this point it isn't the tension on my teeth.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:09 pm
by lionfish
Piratewench, I sympathise with the urge to talk about treatment. This is such a major step for us, it is only natural that we want to talk about it to people close to us.

I reckon though that our other halves can take only so much ortho talk and then they start to glaze over - :roll: Mine is certainly one of those. He showed some interest in the beginning and asks how I am after each adjustment, but that's it. He's a pretty positive sort and I draw strength from that.

We are lucky to have this board, where we can talk about it to our heart's content.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:52 pm
by ingyandbert
Ask your ortho to bend your hooks in a little closer to your teeth. (It won't impact your ability to wear elastics.) Miy ortho did that and it made a world of difference. No more hooking the cheeks!

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:05 pm
by Kimber
This board is so great since there is no one to talk to who really understands. My hubby is also very supportive, but I think he's sick of hearing about it. So I'll brag here today -- I took my first bite of sandwich this evening. It was soft, mind you, but it's the first thing I've really bitten into in 2 weeks! The soreness has really gone down, but now the braces just feel huge in there. I'm trying to drink lots of water, but my tongue and lips just get stuck on everything! Oh, the joys!

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:13 am
by maf
I also like all these similar experiences :)

I'm in Week 2 and I've been trying a few different foods, like hot chips this evening for dinner (and a mashed-up banana for dessert). I break off the harder ends of the chips and kind of mash em up a bit before I try to chew softly with them.

Maybe I should get a food blender and eat my meals, NASA-style :P Anyway, it's really tough figuring out what foods to eat to begin with, with the braces making the teeth so sensitive. I don't think I'll be able to chew normally again till after the treatment. Still, I happen to like rice and pasta meals too, so that's a good thing. I'm drinking lots of water as well, to hydrate and keep my fluids up - and to rinse!

My mouth hasn't been sore or cut from my braces this time; I remember when I was 11 and had braces the first time the stabbing of metal and rubbing of the brackets. But this time I think the insides of my cheeks and lips are toughened, scarred from 20 years ago and I'm not having discomfort. Two front brackets were rubbing the inside of my lips for a few days, but I think that's just the period of time when your mouth has to adjust to the new temporary extensions to the teeth and your lips have to work around them for a while.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:13 am
by Kimber
I tried pasta the other day for the first time. Thin spaghetti noodles, cooked a little too al dente (I was impatient!). The first bite was interesting in that the noodles somehow wrapped themselves into all those little hooks and spaces everywhere and for a moment tied my mouth shut LOL. Thought I'd share with people who'd understand :D

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:43 pm
by maf
I haven't tried long spaghetti; maybe it's my inner-child but I really like spaghetti shapes, like Spag-A-Saurus :P Canned varieties get a bit boring after a while, though.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:00 pm
by nicholeuf
susieq182 wrote:...Braces $4189, water Pik $50, other dental do dads $150, knowing your not alone "priceless"
Good one! susieq182's right - the time does fly! Food does get easier to eat. Although I am jealous of all the people I see in the movie theatre munching on their tubs of buttery popcorn! :?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:06 am
by maf
Originally posted by nicholeuf Food does get easier to eat. Although I am jealous of all the people I see in the movie theatre munching on their tubs of buttery popcorn!
But with the price of movie snacks the way they are, I wouldn't be too jealous :P