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Orthodontics with chronic lyme, experiences?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:24 am
by Lee54
Has anyone had or heard of anyone's experiences getting orthodontics when they have chronic Lyme disease with neurological issues and are on long-term antibiotics? Has it affected their reactions or treatment in any way? Thanks for any help.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:58 pm
by Lee54
Thanks for the replies. The ortho I spoke to today was very interested in my case, as he just got a tick bite himself, so I spent some of our appt. time educating him about how researchers have recently shown (and videotaped) how lyme can persist in a protected cell-wall deficient form--one that can hatch out new spirochetes later. If anyone else is interested, for more info, check out or other good patient advocate sites like the Lyme Disease Foundation's. They enabled me to help better educate our local hospital's Head of Infectious Diseases and his whole dept. (Thank God I had a "teachable" doc with an open mind! Not all patients are so fortunate.)