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How to go about improving facial muscles and nerve function?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:38 pm
by QueensNY
So before I got my braces in Feb 2005, my face (cheeks) and jaw had a decent muscular look normal for an 18 yo male

..only problem of course, were my teeth were protruding from the top alot and were overall, very crowded (which is why Im here :wink: )

Fast forward 1 1/2 yrs later with braces and 4 less teeth and I've noticed overtime that progressively my face and jaw became much narrower..:(

It also became more difficult to smile..feels as if my face wants to involuntarily stay shut...and if I do force myself, it looks as if my face is being strecthed akwardly..I also have a weird tingling sensation on both sides of my face (nerve problem?)

I told my orthodontist about the numbness and tingling sensation i have all over my face and he said it could be my wisdom teeth. So I scheduled a oral surgeon appointment for later this month

Has anybody gone through similar experience that can offer advice? Are these normal symptoms? And how'd I go about developing my facial muscles?

I'm not too familiar about headgear, but is this something I should suggest to the orthodontist?


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:38 pm
by susieq182
you could try a chiropractor that works on facial muscle etc. I see one where I live and he gave me exercises to help my TMJD. I am sure If I can find one in po-dunk Wyoming you should have no trouble. they give you stretches and such. Clear this with your ortho.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:42 pm
by QueensNY
susieq182 wrote:you could try a chiropractor that works on facial muscle etc. I see one where I live and he gave me exercises to help my TMJD. I am sure If I can find one in po-dunk Wyoming you should have no trouble. they give you stretches and such. Clear this with your ortho.
Thanks for the reply

What problems were you having and how'd the chiro diagnose it?

Also, what kind of exercises did you tell you to do?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:43 pm
by susieq182
i was having severe headaches and jaw pain my general doc told me to try a chiro. pretty much he checked my balance and did blood work to rule out any auto-immune things. mostly what they do is feel around your muscles and bone to find weak spots then tell you what to do to bring the weak muscles and strong muscles back into balance. depending on the chiro they may also take x-rays. I had to do neck stretches and jaw stretches and then jaw strength things. mostly i found it to be a tempoary fix for my bite problems which I am now getting resolved. Before you go to a chiro you should talk to your ortho and oral sergeon about it. I still do the stretches the chiro gave me because it helps easy tension in my face and neck.
Its wortha a try and most insurance will cover a certain amount of chiro work.