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Pain and movement

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:34 am
by IntentionallyBlank
Hey guy's....

Today is the start of week 3 for me... and I'm pretty much used to my brace now, but I have a few observations/questions to see if i'm getting the same sensations as you.

The main question i have is to do with the lack of pain! Not that i'm complaining!!!! :roll: But, I had always thought that pain or tightness of the brace meant that your teeth are moving. I have no pain, (well i did have a little pain the first week) and so I am starting to think 'are my teeth moving'?

I've been examining my teeth in the mirror and i think i can see movement, but i have promised myself that i wont take any photos to compare before/afters until my 1 month anniversary.

So, do you guys have any day-to-day discomfort? Or is it just normally after adjustments? :?:


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:23 am
by lionfish
Hi IB, you don't have to have pain in order for there to be movement. In 4 plus months, I've had very little discomfort and no pain that I can recall. I've had a fair bit of movement, though.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:27 am
by lionfish
Or insufficient pain/discomfort to keep me awake at night!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:29 am
by juf_84
Hi IB, I'm only a spacers veteran so can't help with the braces question, but I've just remembered, KK has had very little discomfort and lots of movement- check out her blog on "Our Braces Stories."

Best of luck with it all, hope the pain continues to stay away and you see lots of progress!!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:21 am
by Dark_angel
I only have pain a few days after an adjustment. I never experience pain or not constant pain at any other time. Occasionally i get one or two sore teeth but thats about it.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:13 am
by fitchick
Hi IB,

I posted on here at the end of my week 2 as I was convinced mine weren't working because I had no pain/discomfort. Yes I am impatient, I want this done yesterday! I'm week 3 on friday and although I still don't have any pain, my teeth feel spongy and I can now feel tightness/pressure. I assume that I should expect similar feelings after my first adjustment. My photos aren't that clear enough to see if they have moved but I think my old extraction gap is now smaller than before.

I think we may need to wait slightly longer, but i shouldn't be concerned about no pain. It sounds like there are more that go through this without discomfort than with. I'm keen to follow your progress as we both started at the same time. If yours move and mine don't then I'll be shouting!!

Here's to painfree movement, and lots of it!


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:30 pm
by Kimber
Hi IB -- I know how you feel. My teeth were very sore for the first week and now that they aren't I feel like they should be so I know it's working! :D But, I just have to have faith that these babies are moving. And I'm very thankful I can eat now!

Hang in there!