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Pure Frustration--Ortho's Mistake

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:33 am
by jaws
Hi Everyone,

I need to do some major venting here, so congrats to those of you who manage to get through this post!

Around 2 months ago my ortho told me that my braces were ready to come off. I made the appointment to get my molds made for my retainers, but at the appointment they asked me if I would wear a particular elastic configuration for 3 more weeks just to make things perfect, so I agreed.

Three weeks later I went in and they asked if I would wear the elastic for 1 more week, because things weren't quite perfect yet. So I agreed. A week later I went in and they asked if I would wait another week because they needed to tweak the wire on another tooth so that it would move .5mm. So, I (reluctantly!) agreed.

A week later, I finally went in to get the molds made for my retainers. My ortho informed me that they had decided to use a new type of retainer on me that looks a lot like an Essix except that the top and bottom are attached. He said that he usually makes the molds for retainers while his patients still have their braces on, because he used to use Hawley retainers. Since I will be his first ortho patient to use this new type of retainer, he said that he would try to do the molds with my braces still on, but if the mold wasn't good enough (because it needs to capture the exact shape of all of my teeth due to the new Essix-type retainer) that he would call me within a couple of days and then I would come in, get the braces taken off, and get new molds made. He said that if the mold turned out good, he would call me in two weeks when the retainer came back from the lab.

So, today it had been two and a half weeks since I had the molds made. He hadn't called me right away, so I assumed that the molds were good and had been sent to the lab. I called today just to make sure everything was on track, and the receptionist told me that the mold actually hadn't been good, but the ortho had forgotten to call me!!! :-(*

I am completely and absolutely frustrated. :x I have been waiting almost 2 months to get my braces off, and every time that I think they are about to come off something like this happens. The receptionist was extremely apologetic, and booked me in to get my braces off next Tuesday (the 27th), at which time they will make the proper molds for my retainers (which will come back from the lab 3 weeks after that).

So, it is good news that I get my braces off next week, however I'm still worried for 2 main reasons:

1) When I was at the orthos two and a half weeks ago to get my molds made, they took off my molar bands and my expanders. I can already tell that my molars have moved, but I figured that the retainer that I thought was on its way would fix that. Now I am going to have new molds made on my 'imperfect' teeth, which will hold them in their new crappy positions.

2) They are ordering the new retainers from a lab in the States (I am in Canada), so my retainer will take 3 weeks to arrive. This means that I will only have top and bottom bonded retainers on my 6 front teeth for three full weeks before I get any retainer-wear. Has anyone ever had to wait this long before?

Anyways, I guess the good news is that I get my braces off next week, but my feelings about it are bittersweet. I also have a funny feeling that I'm going to go in next week and they are going to see that my now unbanded molars have shifted, and decide that they need to fix them before taking the braces off! I am not going to believe that I am getting my braces off until they are literally pulling them off of my teeth!

I know that some people on here have had way worse experiences than this, but I just needed to vent because I'm so annoyed! Thanks for listening :)

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:57 am
by Dark_angel
That does sound like a bit of a pain. Maybe you could ask the ortho to make you a hawley for the 3 weeks untill your other retainer arrives. The main thing to do is ask your ortho.

I would not be happy if i'd been promisedr emoval and it never happened. But i guess the end of the road is in sight.

Congratulations on getting them off, i wish i was in your situation.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:41 pm
by LoobyLou
Oh my you poor thing - I could be completely cheesed off if I were in your shoes too. That seems awful that he forgot to phone you - I think you should ention that when you see hm next as he could have potentially delayed your treatment even more.

Hopefully your molars have not moved enough to be a problem and if they have I'm sure you would want everything perfect before they come off but I sure think you should make your ortho know you aren't happy with his service in this instance!

Good luck and keep us posted,
LoobyLou x

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 3:39 pm
by Attagirl2
Hi Jaws. Ouch! What a mess for you. Dark_angel may be on to an idea. I know that they can use Hawley's to move teeth, so maybe they could make you a Hawley and move your molars back to where they belong and then when ready, make the new molds for the new retainer.
Just an idea to toss around...

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:38 pm
by jennielee81
I can only imagine how frustrated you must be!!

You have every right to be mad, disappointed, frustrated, pissed, all of that...Just because others have had rougher experiences doesn't lessen your frustration.

Does your ortho have pictures in his office or on his website of his finished patients? I like to look at those great smiles (some of them are my students so I know they're real people)...this makes me remember that he's a pro and is doing what I'm paying him (so dearly) to do. Helps me to relax when I'm not sure about the future of all of this.

I guess your example is helping me understand why my ortho won't give me a de-banding date...not even a guess-timate.

Keep your spirits up, keep us posted and we will celebrate with you when ever the BIG DAY comes!!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:28 pm
by jaws
Thanks so much everyone for your support!

Tomorrow is (hopefully!) the big day. I go in at 8:30am, so I'm really hoping that everything works out this time and the braces actually come off. I am definitely going to voice all of my concerns to my ortho tomorrow morning before the braces come off. I want to make sure that I can retain these nice new arches that I have!

I will post pics under my story when everything is off! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:02 pm
by Joanna20
Hey! I can understand that you are upset. I would be too. And it’s ok to vent, we all do it in the board and it’s great because we support each other really well.
I think that they were a bit unprofessional there, but you have to see the bright side:
- You’ve done it all, you have a smile you like (I presume?) and you’ve waited a long time for it.
- You are going to be de braced in two weeks time (nearly).
I would kill to be at your place now! So be happy!
I don’t know about the retainer issue, but bare in mind that it’s your ortho’s responsibility if they start moving again. I think they will be fine really.

Good luck and hang in there! Soon you’ll have the lovely smile you’ve been waiting for.


Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:44 am
by At last
So today is the day yes??? I cant wait to hear what happened!!! Hopefully everything went as planned

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:29 am
by Pirate Wench
:?: :?: :?: So how did it go :?: :?: :?: Did you get them off, or did you and your ortho decide to move those molars back into place first?

Let us know.....

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:34 pm
by jaws
Hi Guys,

The ortho decided to remove my braces today! Here is a post with all of the before and after pictures:


I'm so happy to be brace-free! :D