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Hello everyone, I'm new here

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:08 am
by Pagey
Just thought I'd say hello and introduce myself as I have a feeling I will be on this website for the next 18 months!!!!!

had extractions 2 weeks ago and just got app. for braces 10th Aug and 17th Aug, anyone know why it takes 2 apps?

Surgeon suggested that I would be happier with the overall look if I had lower jaw surgery halfway through my treatment and I have decided to go ahead with this but it is quiet scary as I had never heard of it before, I don’t think it is as common to have done in the UK and it is in the US (I could be wrong).

All this is being done on the NHS so I have to be a patient patient!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:16 am
by Pagey
by the way I am 34 in July, I just wish I had this done years ago!

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:36 am
by fitchick
Hi Pagey and Welcome,

I can relate to that. I'm 40 in July and do I wish I'd done this years ago too? Anyway we've made the start now, so we're on the countdown.

My ortho did spacers week 1, brackets week 2 and the brace, bite plane and TPA week 3. I think its to ease you in gently, rather than be given a mouth full of strange objects all in one go.

How were your extractions? I have to have 2 extractions in a few months time and I am a real scaredy cat when it comes to things like that.

Good Luck with your treatment and I wish you speedy progress.


Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:23 pm
by Joanna20
Hello! Welcome!
You'll find lots of support in here.
Start rinsing with warm salty water and do an excellent oral hygiene while u don't get braced.
Good luck!

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:32 pm
by nvcarissa
Welcome to the board, Pagey. This is a wonderful place to get information and support. When your family's eyes start glazing over from "braces talk" you can always come here to find people with the same obsession. It works very well.

I just had lower jaw surgery two days ago and I am doing well. I also recommend that you check out the orthognathic surgery forum for more info on the topic.

I swear, I don't know what I would do without this board!!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:45 am
by Pagey
fitchick - i had 2 extractions and one was an impacted wisdom tooth, the needles did sting a bit and they took some pulling, blood and spit dribbling out of my mouth and lot of painkillers, it was unpleasant at the time but looking back now it was nothing. just keep telling yourself "in a weeks time this will all be a distant memory", the brain is clever like that!

I had my nose reshaped 9 years ago and when i look back at the pics of my two black eyes it seems a life time ago.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:09 am
by fitchick
Thanks Pagey,

I'll take your advice. I think I'll also ask for the numbing gel too!

Good Luck for your treatment, the hardest part will be being patient. I hope they don't delay too much.


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:43 am
by Lisa65
Welcome Pagey

I am new here too and have found everyone very helpful and friendly. I have my first appointment tomorrow to have spacers put in, then I have 2 more on 3rd July and 14th July but am not sure what work will be done in which one.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:54 am
by Pagey
i ask my family dentist when i was about 18 to straighten my teeth but he just phobed me off. i moved to a new area with my husband a couple of years ago and met a girl who was a dental assistant and when i told her about wanting my teeth straightened she told me to get signed up with her boss so i did and he referred me to the local NHS dental hospital straight away with out hesitation. i was told it would be 2 year before treatment would even start and that was in Nov 2004 so really i am ahead of schedule!!
i have met 2 different surgeons in this time, one said i would look better with lower jaw advancement and the other said i was border line and it wouldnt be worth going through the operation but if my chin really bothered me he would do it for me after about a year in braces, well i never do things by half so i have decided to go ahead as i really dont like my profile. (god bless the NHS, you dont get if you dont ask).

i will dig out the pic of me before nose jobie and obviously jaw jobie!! :wink: