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Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:16 pm
by stephy79
When are my teeth going to start moving? It has been 8 days and my teeth have not moved at all. I need my top front teeth to come out over my bottom front teeth so I can get this stupid bite turbo thing off the back of my bottom tooth. (The ortho called it a bite turbo). I am getting so frustrated because the ortho kept telling me I was going to be surprised at how fast my teeth will move. Well they're not moving at all!!! Right now my top right front tooth is hitting the top of my bottom right front tooth. That is the only place that my teeth touch, which means I can't chew. I am sick of eating soft food. I have lost 4 pounds this week. I just need one tooth to move about a millimeter!!! Is that too much to ask??? Sorry, just needed to vent a little. :cry:


Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:25 pm
by Kimber
Hang in there, Stephanie! They'll move -- just keep visualizing movement! :D

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:35 pm
by nvcarissa
It does take a little while to see anything visible, but the fact that you teeth are hurting means something is going on. Your teeth ligaments are being loosened from your gums and then motion will begin. But realize, it takes time. I suggest that you start taking pictures, either once a week or once a month. That's how you will start to notice the change! I have been doing that for the past year and it is amazing!!

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:16 pm
by lionfish
It's very hard, but try and be patient (this coming from the world's most impatient person :lol: ).

If you notice something different when you're flossing, then your teeth will have moved.

I have about 4 teeth that make contact now, so I know where you're coming from. It's a pain in the rear and I wish it were otherwise. But life goes on. So, when my OH mentioned he wanted a pub dinner last night, I said OK. I had a steak, it took me four times as long to eat it as he did, and my jaw aches a bit this morning. It's morning now where I am, I've just had some chocolate and now I feel a whole lot better!

Maybe try something a bit more solid and see if you can handle it.

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 4:38 pm
by stephy79
Thanks guys. I have noticed that it is a lot easier to floss now then it was the first day with braces. There is more room between some of my teeth for the floss.

Ok Kimber, I'm visualizing movement! =)

nvcarissa, I have been taking pictures every Sadly nothing has changed yet. I know, I's only been 8 days.

lionfish, It may be a tie between us for the world's most impatient I only have 2 teeth that make contact right now, and they are my front teeth, so chewing is impossible. But chocolate does sound good. That always makes me feel better. Maybe I'll just let some melt in my mouth....


Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:02 pm
by nvcarissa
Don't take pictures every won't notice the changes. You may not even notice the changes from week to week, but you will start to see the difference between say June 24th and July 24th.

You don't want your teeth to move too fast. They need time to settle into their new spot, take a breather, and then move again.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:27 am
by lionfish
Steph, take a bar of your favourite chocolate, break it into small blocks, then put a block at a time on the roof of your mouth and just let it melt away there. I guarantee you'll enjoy the experience!

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:36 am
by stephy79
Thanks KK! I am going to stop taking pictures every The only thing that I am really impatient about is getting this bite turbo thing off. It is absolutely driving me crazy! It gets in the way when I eat and talk. It is giving me a I just want to get it off before my husband comes home from Iraq next month. My ortho told me that by the time my husband came home that there would be a noticable difference in my teeth, but at this rate I don't see how that will be possible. I'm not even really all that concerned at this point about seeing a big difference, I just want my front tooth to move enough that I can go get this bite turbo taken off.
Lionfish, I have been braking off pieces of chocolate and letting it melt in my mouth. It does make me feel so much better! :)


Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:37 am
by fitchick
Hi Stephy,

Hang in there a little bit longer. I posted about a month ago asking when mine would be likely to move, it might have been on my Day2!!!! I have a gap between one of my bottom teeth and I was watching that gap waiting to see it close up. Then a few days ago I looked at some photos and noticed that my gap hadn't changed but my arch had! I hadn't even thought to look at that, and this is after 4 weeks. It is progress if you can feel movement so stick with it, its doing something even though you may not have noticed just yet.

Best of Luck,
