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Swollen Gums?? Cosmetic Questions.....

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:05 am
by ashantia
Hi All-

I was very bad last night. I had some candy while watching a movie and fell asleep while watching it without brushing my teeth :oops: I woke up this morning and was about to brush and floss when I noticed my gums were swollen!

Do you think this is because I did not brush last night? I of course brushed and flossed VERY throughly and used those little pink pills to find the plaque. I have also been doing warm salt water rinses. Luckily, I have an adjustment tomorrow so if its not gone or better my ortho can help me (hopefully he wont scold me :lol: ) It may go down but this is new and I am freaking out a bit cuz I read around how plaque and stuff will make your gums swollen among other issues! I am very careful to brush after every meal and floss honestly about 4-5 times a week ( i know it should be 7!!!)

On another more cosmetic note, If I am interested in getting by gums raised with that laser procedure to make my teeth bigger (I have somewhat small teeth) do I let me ortho know that now? I am not sure if he does that kind of thing so is it something that can be done post braces with a cosmetic dentist or something? I also want to do some bonding to make my top teeth more even as the teeth next to the 2 front teeth (dont know the names) are shorter. Has anyone thought about this or had it done? I have a treatment time of 12-16 months and have only been braced for about 3 months so its a while out but I figure if I am going to go through all this then I might as well do it how I want it done the first time!

Thanks for reading!

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:30 pm
by brandee987
My gums seem swollen also. Where I notice the swelling the most is my upper arch where gaps are closing. Do you have gaps that are closing perhaps?
On another more cosmetic note, If I am interested in getting by gums raised with that laser procedure to make my teeth bigger (I have somewhat small teeth) do I let me ortho know that now?
I had this procedure done prior to being braced. I plan to have it done again to refine the shape of the gums when my braces are off.
I also want to do some bonding to make my top teeth more even as the teeth next to the 2 front teeth (dont know the names) are shorter
My lateral incisors are tiny too! My cosmetic dentist suggested veneers but I really dont want to do that. I am hoping during my treatment my ortho will be able to level the teeth somewhat and hopefully that will make the difference I want!


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 8:08 am
by ashantia
Yes! It is in my upper arch where I am closing gaps. My treatment is for closing gaps and a slight overbite. Its just wierd to wake up and see that because although I have only been braced for about 3 months the gaps started to close right away they just got swollen all of a sudden. Makes me feel better to hear that this could be a reason. Hopefully my ortho says the same thing.

For the gum procedure- did it hurt? Was there along healing time. Was it costly and did your regular ortho do it?

Thank you for replying and your feedback it was very helpful!!!


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:11 pm
by brandee987
Yes! It is in my upper arch where I am closing gaps.
Sounds just like my gums.
For the gum procedure- did it hurt? Was there along healing time. Was it costly and did your regular ortho do it?
No it didnt hurt. It was uncomfortable for a few days because I was scared to eat anything. But it wasnt like the pain you have the first night of getting braced.. ya know?

I had the procedure done by a cosmetic dentist it was COSTLY. I am sure I could have found someone to do it cheaper but I had about 4mm of gum that needed to be removed.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:07 pm
by ashantia
Well, I guess I better start saving now! My ortho said today that the puffy gum thing was exactly what you mentioned. The gaps closing and the tissue being pushed together. Nothing that concerned him.

Thanks again for your feedback!