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New Kid On the Block Update 2!!

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:36 pm
by Silverwolftec2006
Sorry I haven't written for some time. I guess I have been pretty down in the dumps after loosing my Wolfgang. I got his ashes back and he is safely guarding the refrigerator. The doorway between the refrigerator and the front door was his favorite spot to lay when he was waiting for me to come home. When we settled in for the night, he would curl up next to the foot of my bed. He always had his eyes on the door. So I thought it would be nice to put him some place special and I get to see him every day.

Well I went in for my check up on June 7th, and my ortho and the hygenist were very please with not only the way my teeth were shifting, but they were commenting on how very nice and clean they were as well. I was quite please that I got an A+ check up :dance: and a new wire for my upper teeth either a titanium 108 or 110, I can't remember. When I go back on July 31st, I get to have the same type of wire put on my bottom teeth as well so I will let every one know then. I have noticed a lot of changes in my teeth all ready, except I am little concerned about the gap I have in between my teeth lately. I am sure that it must be common until every thing is in position.

I also got another chain on my upper left and right molars to move them in to the right position. Not to mention I have two new wire power chains on them as well.
Talk about getting hard wired... LOL :squareteeth:

I am able to eat pretty much anything I want, except I am still having trouble with eating certain types of steak. I avoid all the really naughty stuff, but if I choose to have a cookie or two I always give them either a milk or coffee bath before I eat them. I was able to munch down some Ritz Air Crisps the other day. I broke them up into small bites, but they were certainly good smashed. Not to mention I haven't had any canker sores, yippie-horray on that one. I bet it is because I still clean my teeth and gums with baking soda. :yuck: It works great but taste can be any thing less than inviting at times. I will check in with everyone later. Ta-ta for now..

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 8:48 am
by Chris
I had to laugh at your that you and your Ortho going at it?


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:37 pm
by Kimber
Hi Silverwolftec2006, I'm so sorry for your loss. Our pets always live on with us, though, don't they?