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Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:29 am
by momofbrock
Boy, I'm one of those people that wants immediate results.... it took me 26 years to decide to give in and get braces and now that I've made the decision I want them on NOW! But after 2 months of spaced out appointments I finally had my consult last week:
I need braces for 22 months
I need to have a tooth pulled
The 3rd week in July I get spacers put in..... and I have NO clue what spacers are or what they look like. I've talked to people at work about getting braces and w/out even asking specifically about spacers I got 2 responses from people "The braces aren't so bad, just pray you don't need spacers"
Now on to my main question: my orthodontist said I could wait until AFTER I got braces to get my tooth pulled or I could get it pulled before I got braces. How can I have a tooth pulled with braces on? Are they *that* easy to take off and put back on that the dentist could do it?
I'm a tad confused.

Anyone have pictures of spacers? I'm so nervous about the idea of getting spacers and braces (and more so about pulling a perfectly healthy tooth) I feel like I'm going to throw up. :?
But that's all part of the "pain diet" otherwise known as braces, right? :P

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:28 am
by ShinySmile
I think if you explore the main page of Archwired, or just search for "spacers" you'll get some info and pics! Spacers are very common...they are essentially little tooth-colored or blue rubberbands (sometimes metal) that fit between the back teeth (usually molars).

In my case, spacers are used to make space for my molar bands (metal bands that fit around your back teeth) to attach an expander. It is not at all uncommon for adults especially to have molar bands on your back teeth!

I've heard almost everybody I talk to say spacers are the worst part of orthodontics. I've had eight spacers (just on top!) for about 3 weeks now...which I guess is a pretty long time! They are making my expander, and need to retain that space that they made during the first week or so. My teeth were sore for a few days, but nothing major after that---now I don't even notice I have them in.

Congrats on starting orthodontics! you'll be fine :)

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:13 am
by fitchick
Welcome Momofbrock,

I had 8 spacers. 8 for 1 week and 4 for the following week. They were to make space between my teeth to fit the molar bands. I honestly had no problem with them at all. It just felt like I had a piece of meat stuck between my teeth. I had to keep checking after meals to make sure that I'd not swallowed them! The good news is they'll only be in for a short time.

I think I'd rather have the tooth pulled sooner than later, it'd be one more thing to tick off the list. I have to have 2 pulled and he wants to do them before I get the top brace fitted. I'm not sure why but I'm leaving it all in my ortho's capable hands.

I hope this helps a little bit.

Good Luck with your treatment.


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:38 am
by Lisa65
Hi there
I am having spacers put in tomorrow. I'm not sure how many are being put in.
I haven't got to have any teeth removed but like fitchick says I'd rather just get it over with if I knew it had to be done!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:01 am
by Jeneva
they're not nearly as bad as i thought they'd be. Granted, i only have 4 in, but i adjusted to them quickly. I just feel a bit like i really want to floss... but can't where they are... on well, just 2 days until my b-day!! i'll post pics!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:54 pm
by jaswi
I just got my 8 top spacers out, and they weren't bad at all. Couldn't eat anything real hard for the week I was in them, but I couldn't even feel them if I wasn't biting down.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:10 pm
by momofbrock
I've been reading peoples stories and just READING about everything is making my teeth hurt.

I did have a flashback to when I was 11 and got a retainer to straighten a front tooth that was completely sideways......
the first day I was severely annoyed at my new lisp but was surprised that it didn't hurt.
The next morning I woke up and as soon as I touched my teeth together I whimpered. I looked in the mirror and my tooth was almost completely straight -- OVERNIGHT! I was happy but just a cool breeze touching my tooth got my eyes watering. I remember thinking it was loose, too, and avoiding touching it on anything.

I also remember tearing my food into tiny pieces and cramming it in the back of my mouth to make sure it NEVER touched that tooth.

Then I lost my retainer and my mom didn't want to get me another one so my tooth went crooked again.... not nearly as bad as it was before but it's my most crooked tooth.

I had suppressed the memory of my retainer until I read through peoples stories. I can't imagine having that kind of sensitivity on ALL my teeth!!! But I'm no weenie to pain and AM looking forward to losing some weight on the liquid diet. :lol:

I can't wait to peruse through the soft food lists!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:57 pm
by ThisIsMary
here's the direct link to the article on spacers

They're not that bad, the worst part is feeling like you have food stuck between your teeth. The good part is, you don't have to have them in for that long.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:49 pm
by Kimber
I thought the spacers were actually a good stepping stone into the braces -- they kinda got me ready for what was coming next. Like everyone says, they feel like something stuck between your teeth. I had them for a week (four on top and four on the bottom -- on the sides of the four teeth they put the molar bands around) and as the week went on, my back teeth got sore so that I could only chew with my front teeth. My back teeth never HURT except I didn't really want to use them because when I bit down, it was on the verge of pain. After I got the braces on (top only, so far), it was my front teeth that got sore so that I could chew in back but not bite into anything with my front teeth. Again -- it doesn't really hurt unless I bite down too hard on anything. Just stock up on soft food. :D

Good luck with the journey! This site is great for learning everything and sharing your experiences.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:08 pm
by momofbrock
I suppose nothing can be worse than hiding your smile for 13 years..... not sure what I'm so scared of. Wow, I can't believe how much time I've spent reading on this site already!

I found out a few things when I went in to see about fixing my gross smile:
--the reason I grind my teeth could be because my back teeth line up tooth for tooth instead of falling the way they should on the right side..... so the left side of my mouth closes completely while the right stays part open.
--that explains why my back right teeth are tender sometimes.

So the 2 years of pain will fix the pain I WOULD have had because of my mis-aligned teeth...but being somewhat vain --I'm just gonna be the happiest about not giving everyone a closed mouth smile. I can't tell you how many people have told me I should smile more. And I want to... I just dont' like that ALL my front teeth are crooked!

I'm getting excited. :lol: :D :P

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:23 pm
by Kimber
Good for you!! Smile with those braces on, too! Show off your decision to improve yourself :D :D

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:50 pm
by moonchick
Hi momofbrock! Having teeth pulled after you get your brace on won't be a problem. During my consultation, my ortho decided to put the braces on first and then have four teeth taken out. All she did was not put brackets on the teeth to be pulled (two molars and two bicuspids) and the archwire was attached only to the brackets on teeth that were next to each other. I have one more tooth to be taken out and I was told my next step will be starting on closing the gaps.

Good luck! :D

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:02 pm
by jzaboo
I got braced two weeks ago, and was smug that I never had to get spacers after reading all the horror stories on here. Then I read the fine print on my next appointment sheets-Aug 7th, spacers, Aug 14 molar bands on my wisdom teeth and the ones just next to them. Now I wonder if this month has been a total waste, since they aren't "anchored" to anything? I've been using my back teeth to chew, soon I won't be able to do that. Has anyone else got the braces, then got the bands quite a bit later?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:43 pm
by Gennel
A lot of people fear spacers because there is some tenderness and more pressure for a few days. The spacers look like a tiny blue rubberband that is put in between teeth using a dental floss. It feels like something is stuck in between your teeth so you will feel the pressure immediately. Take Ibuprofen at least 40 min before you get the spacers on.My ortho recommends Tylenol or Ibuprofen every 4-6 hrs for 5 days. I took Tylenol for less than two days. I kept waiting for pain and it did not come. I don't have spacers yet but I am 1 spacer on each side on thebottom as soon as I get my filling .
I know it you are scared of the "unknown" But trust me I was terrified of dentists period. Getting braced was not bad at all. I told my ortho that my fear was worse than any pain I've ever had in my mouth.


Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:46 pm
by Gennel
I have never seen wisdom teeth with bands on? I still have my wisdom teeth but my ortho is putting a band on molar next to the wisdom teeth.
