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most painful adjustment yet

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 9:19 am
by Chr1ssy711
Today was my one year adjustment! ahh!! its been a year! its crazy. any ways it was the worst yet. i actually cried!

My ortho is doing this strange configuration on the bottom where she bends the arch wire above the brackets on the brackets in the middle, and then below the brackets on the otherside....i have a slanted bite. then she put power chains on the bottom and the top. The top arch wire she bent also weird (although it does hook into each bracket) to move some teeth upwards...when she was pushing the wire into the bracket on the topi felt like my teeth were going to crack off!! she kept saying sorry, and when i open my eyes her assistant has this look on her face like she knows this is hurting, and she got me tissues....ugh what we are willing to do for beauty.

So i have crazy configurations, power chain top and bottom and a "basketball" elastic on my left side (from the metal band to the "eye" tooth on the bottom.)

And its the 4th of July weekend! i guess its blender bbq for me! i am going on a cruise in 2 weeks and can afford to loose a few pounds anyways.

yuck..sorry i just had to vent.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:03 am
by Leslie022
You poor thing, I'm sorry! I hope you begin to feel better soon! At least the cruise is 2 weeks away and not tomorrow! It will give you time to, hopefully, get over the pain! Good luck!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:58 am
by Pirate Wench
:cry: That sucks :!: I am not looking forward to bends in the wires as my treatment progresses and this definately doesn't help.

I hope the pain goes away quickly and you can enjoy your cruise. :-88 As for the bbq....I think you may be will be a blender weekend. That doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself of blender drinks tho. :lol:

Feel better soon and have a great weekend.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:46 pm
by ssfw
Hi Chrissy,

I'm sorry to hear that your adjustment was so painful and hope you feel better soon. I bet that you will be fine on the 4th of July. Just reading about your adjustment was painful, I can't imagine how you felt. I'm sure that you were so afraid that your teeth would crack.

I try to make my appts. about 2 weeks before special events, just in case, but sometimes it can't be done and I don't want to delay the ortho treatment for reasons like this.

Keep us posted and take care.


Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 7:29 am
by Betty Bat
I feel your pain, Chr1ssy711, literally!

I've had a few adjustments when my doors wouldn't open and/or close and both the assistant and the ortho were pushing on my mouth harder and harder! Once I had to have a bracket changed because neither of them could get the wire to fit in. And, you're right, it's very scary to have these people pushing hard - you really do wonder if your teeth are going to break! I found that the pushing made my teeth and mouth sorer than the braces themselves ever did. But, the soreness did go away in a day or two, with the help of some Advil.

At my last adjustment (5 days ago), I had some of my sapphire brackets repositioned. The tool to take the old ones off required the ortho to push on my tooth a little. But, I'm so skittish now that I make at least a little squeaking noise when anyone starts pushing on my teeth.

And, I've had a "bent" wire also. It helped to move my front top teeth into a straighter line. It looked a little weird, but did a nice job. And, I had a reverse curve wire (I think that was the name) for a while - that one looked even weirder.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:08 am
by Lyn

I am celebrating my 1 yr. anniversary too!!! Yipee!! :banana:

I had "bends" put in my wires [May & June adjustments]. And you are hurts! :x My teeth are very sore after they shove the wire back into place. My teeth feel like they are going to crumble (as they're pushing). I asked him last time about the removal of the brackets. I am really scared about that. I am afraid after all the work of getting my teeth straight that they will break/chip as they're removing the brackets?!? :cry:

The pain does subside after a day or two, though, so chin will all be worth it in the end!! :D