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Advice and encouragement needed...

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:44 pm
by rcsw6
Hi all

What a fantastic website!

I am a 29 year old male living and working in London. I have awful buck teeth and am desperate to get them fixed but nervous as hell about the thought of wearing braces for two years or more. I really want to get it done, but I guess I need to hear from people, who are or were in the same position as me, that it really will be worth it.

My dentist referred me to the orthodontist in his surgery and I had a consultation. She was unbelievably negative and discouraging and put me off the whole idea. I did note that she was my age and was wearing braces herself (perhaps a marketing ploy?!), which gave me some encouragement. At £35 a consultation I'm not sure I want to shop around too much but would it be a mistake to go with her as my orthodontist? How easy is it to consult with other options if I am not registered at those places?

Any advice, suggestions, encouragement, etc would be greatly appreciated, preferrably via PM.

Thanks for your help!


Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:00 pm
by ShinySmile

I can't be of much help to you as far as how things work over in the appointments I went to over here in the US, the consultations were free-- but it's different with every orthodontist.

If your ortho was negative right off the bat, and you do not feel comfortable with her...perhaps you should go to a copule of other ones in your area to see how their manners are! :) It's very important for you to feel comfortable and able to ask questions throughout your treatment time.

Best of luck,


Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:32 pm
by Dark_angel
Hey, im up in Newcastle but like you i have buck teeth, well did have.

Anyway, most places will probably do you a free consult just pick up your yellow pages and call up some places and ask about it. Braces arent that big a deal and if you wanted you could probably have linguals (sit on the backs of the teeth) or ceramics (white braces) but i doubt you'd be an invisalign case.

Maybe ask your dentist for another referal, do some research, many orthos will have websites just by googling orthodontics london i got several pages. Any questions feel free to get back to me. But you've taken the first step.


Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:35 pm
by rcsw6
Thanks for your comments. Made me realise that I should ask if anyone who has had braces in London has a recommendation, preferrably in the south west (fulham/putney)?


Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:44 pm
by Joanna20
I can understand why you need some encouragement; you will find heaps of it here. We support each other!
I think that you should see at least three different Orthos and listen carefully to what they have to say. All problems have a solution, and buckteeth are really common and easy to straight! At least I haven’t seen many concerns with that problem. I also suggest you start your own braces journey; it really helps ‘because other people post their opinions and give advice and stuff.
Start rinsing with warm salty water – it really helped me!

I wish you the best of luck!


Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 3:33 am
by babymetalmouth
I dont know if this is to far away from you? But im in the south west (Wiltshire) And my ortho is amazing! Its in Swindon about 5 mins from the train station, if your interested I can send you his name and address and that? Hes so friendly and seeing as Im the biggest wimp of all time, he makes me feel at compleat ease, you should pay him a visit! PM me if you want to know more, It would probably be about an hours train ride / Hour and a half drive.

I hope it all works out for you! And get braces, please! Anyone who thinks they need them and can afford it seriously should just get them, you will regret it if you dont!!

Sam :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:59 pm
by Kimber
Unfortunately, I can't give you a London recommendation, but I can give you a thumbs up to go ahead and do braces now if you can. The longer you wait, the less time you'll have to enjoy your new smile. Braces are quite common on adults now and the only comments I've received from people have been positive. It can be uncomfortable -- be prepared for that -- but there are many things that are much worse!

Good luck with your decision and with finding a great ortho.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:33 pm
by Super Soo
my consultation was £100 which included xrays and moulds taken. my ortho is in Liverpool and he is brilliant. I would definitely go for it.....what's 2/3 years of your life compared to smiling in confidence for the rest of it!!