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Damon 3 bracket

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:36 pm
by ebruce25
I was wondering if anybody else on this site is currently fitted with Damon 3 brackets. My orthodontist basically switched to them for all his new patients. I was wondering how the archwire changes felt. I'm told the wire becomes thicker? Its been two months for me and I've noticed my top and bottom right cuspids aligning nicely. I'm going in tomorrow to have my archwire changed. I'm told its done every 8 weeks. These braces don't have elastics.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:48 pm
by bbsadmin
I know that there are many members on this board who have Damons and Damon3's. I'm sure you'll get several responses!

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:30 am
by Attagirl2
Hi ebruce. I have Damon 3's and changing the archwire is very easy for them to do. They pop the doors open, pull out the old wire and then measure and place the new wire. The clip off the ends (behind the back molars). My time between adjustments depends on what is being done. I haven't always gotten a new archwire.

Good luck to you.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:45 pm
by jcdamon3
I don't think the wire is any thicker. Could be wrong though. I usually have very mild pain for about 2-3 days after an archwire change. Probably about the same or maybe a little less than with normal braces. It is normally not enough that I have to change my diet drastically or take ibuprofen but enough to feel it when I eat something chewy.

Don't sweat it too much! Did he change all your brackets mid -treatment and put damons on?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:04 am
by Kazan
Hi there

I got a new (slightly) thicker wire at my first adjustment. The ortho said "Hmm, your teeth havent moved as much as some people's would have done so i'll give you an intermediate wire" Go back for my second adjustment on 17 July when I get another even (thicker) wire. Interested to see how these these wires get..............


Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:31 am
by ucldbmine
Just a note to tell you not to get confused with elastics and ligatures... Damons don't have ligatures (bands surrounding brackets) but they do use elastics with them (rubber bands connecting top and bottom teeth to correct bite problems) You just probably won't have experience with elastics till closer to the end of your treatment if at all..

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:10 pm
by ingyandbert
jcdamon3 wrote:I don't think the wire is any thicker. Could be wrong though. I usually have very mild pain for about 2-3 days after an archwire change. Probably about the same or maybe a little less than with normal braces. It is normally not enough that I have to change my diet drastically or take ibuprofen but enough to feel it when I eat something chewy.

Don't sweat it too much! Did he change all your brackets mid -treatment and put damons on?
To clarify, the arch wires get progressively thicker and more square with every adjustment. That is to put greater tension on the teeth as they get closer and closer to proper alignment.