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My my my, what a selection!! toothbrushes [w/ pics.. Lol]

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:20 pm
by goodnessgracious
So, what are your thoughts on electric

I've been using a rather.. hmm, how should
i put it.. uhm, crappy toothbrush that i
think we've all had, Lol


Befor i had braces i use to use the best toothbrush
ever!! i practically swore by it!! it was the oral-b
pulsar :heart:


..but sadly, now that i have braces.. it just.. isnt the

well, i guess i wanna know if there are ANY electric
toothbrushes that work[and work well]with braces..
and its not like id be neglecting my other "duties"[lol!]
id still use the one thingy[christmas tree, as my orthos
assistant likes to call it]and id still floss..

anyone know of any electrics that are good with braces?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:31 pm
by Sheree
Sorry, don't know of any ELECTRICS. As a matter of fact, I don't even like the SpinBrush. It feels really weird; don't like the massive vibration.

As far as manuals go, I like the Oral B Advantage Plus, I think it's called. But, I must say, I tend to run through about 1 brush a month. I suppose that's normal. It will probably be even sooner now that I have my top braces on. Oh well.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 6:04 am
by ShinySmile
I also had the Oral B Pulsar before treatment, and loved it...Oral B also makes the Triumph 9400, which you can actually buy Orthodontic spin brush heads for...just basically hollowed out a litle in the middle so it doesn't knock brackets off. The orthodontic package also comes with a flossy pick head. I haven't tried those heads yet, because I haven't had brackets put on but i'll let you know how it goes in August!

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:55 am
by fitchick
I'm using the Colgate actibrush (with batteries). When I queried with my ortho about using this brush with braces, he said to hold the brush over the brace rather than brush it backwards and forwards. That vibrating brush head is a godsend on the days when my gums ache. I just massage the gums with the toothbrush for relief!


Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:41 pm
by goodnessgracious
thanks for commenting!
uhm, ive had a few electrics
that were rather overwhelming
[felt like a jackhammer!! Lol]
infact, the ONLY electric i really
like is the pulsar, if ure ever
interested in a gentle electric
i stronglyyy suggest the pulsar<3
lol, wow a brush a month!! you
brush like the devil!! hehe!! i
dont run out of brushes as fast
as you, but im sure thats 100%
normal!! :)

after i made this topic i realized it
would have been more beneficial if
i had put in in the dental do-dads..
as like, a question, Lol
:oops: my bad..
but thanks a ton for the advice!! ill
go check em out asap!! :D cant wait!!

you must have been reading my mind!!
Lol!! i was interested in the triumph and
was gonna ask about that!!
Good luck in august Shiny!! keep me
informed :P

Lol, "Manual" - - that made me giggle,
theres not really a good selection on
these "manual" brushes.. they're sooo
boring.. but i agree, softbristles are the
way to go :P thanks for ur insight!!

Hmm, with the toothbrush my ortho gave
me he instructed me to.. [uhm, this is
kinda hard to explain, bare with me!! Lol..]
ok, he instructed me to take my toothbrush
and slide the bristles over the brackets
and what-not, do u do this with ur actibrush?
or is this just strictly for gum relief? [lol, great
idea i might add] 8)