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4 extractions tomorow, really nervous, any advice?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:43 am
by Septimus
i've posted about this before

i'm a bit scared about the pain and the whole experience.

last time i got a tooth pulled i cried, but i was 8, so that's all ive been thinking about.

i dont know if i should drive home afterwards or not.

Re: 4 extractions tomorow, really nervous, any advice?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:35 am
by KriegeR
i've posted about this before

i'm a bit scared about the pain and the whole experience.

last time i got a tooth pulled i cried, but i was 8, so that's all ive been thinking about.

i dont know if i should drive home afterwards or not.
Don't worry about it - it will be all over in no time.

Has the hospital or dentist mentioned about what sort of anaesthetic they will be administering? If it's anything other than a local, then I wouldn't recommend even touching a car for up to 48 hours after, (even longer to be on the safe side).

Even with a local anaesthetic, it's likely to be a fair old shot if they are doing 4 teeth in the same session, so I would err on the side of caution and get someone to collect you, or use public transport.

If you don't mind me asking are the 4 extractions wisdom teeth, or are they normal teeth that are being extracted for some reason linked to your treatment.

Tru not to think about it and it will pass and be over with before you know it.

Good luck! :thumbsup:

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:38 am
by Smiley77
No advice, but wanted to say good luck!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:04 am
by Henna_the_braceface
Don't worry about it! I had 4 extractions too and it was over in no time. The injections aren't too bad but u might drool on yourself like me because your mouth will go numb! After rinse with salty water to heal up the extraction spots. Good luck! :D

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:25 am
by babymetalmouth
If you can take someone with you, for comfort and just to make sure you go through with it!!

I wouldnt drive home, I have 4 teeth out and Im a wimp, the worst part is the needles I hated them.... The worst bit is the roof of your mouth ( did anyne else have that?)

But just relax, Seriously once your out of that room then you will be fine.

The actual teeth part is fine.. You can feel movement Im not going to lie, but you actually CANNOT feel pain what so ever, Its not the nicest feeling but its not bad, I wouldnt be as worried going back again, becuse it was worth it!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:18 am
by mad_scientist
I had four premolars extracted in May. Like others, the worst part was getting the numbing shots before the extraction, but even that wasn't that bad.

Your dentist should give you a sheet with instructions on aftercare. Try to get the sheet before they start the procedure, and ask all the questions you need to. You won't feel like talking afterwards. You won't feel much like driving either, so definitely arrange for alternate transportation!

If you're getting local anesthetic, I would recommend having some tissues handy to hold against your lips afterwards, as you cannot control the drooling from a numbed mouth (not an attractive look). Then, go home and rest for a few hours until the anesthetic wears off. Be sure to put a towel over your pillow unless you like drool-covered pillowcases.

My extractions went quite smoothly, and I was able to go to work the next day with no problems. The whole thing was not nearly the big deal that I had worried it was going to be.

Good luck!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:47 am
by CLAmom
My daughter had 4 "baby" teeth taken out about a month ago. They weren't coming out on their own & a couple of permanent teeth were attempting to come down by going through the side of her gums, poor kiddo. I worried & worried about how she would fare through the whole process but it was a breeze. Mind you, I did pay extra (about $375) that my insurance wouldn't cover for a sedative so she was pretty much out the whole time. The gave her Versed via an IV. She's 12 and a sensitive girl but healed up remarkably fast and had little pain. Her biggest complaints were dealing with the bleeding (it went on for about 3 days) and not being able to eat much. I got her lots of Frostys from Wendy's so that helped a lot. All in all the anticipation was far worse than the actual process itself. Try not to worry too much. Just be ready to pamper yourself for a couple of days afterwards and take it easy. Good luck.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:45 pm
by lesdents
The hardest part of extractions is trying to eat afterward. I was very paranoid about getting dry-socket (as some might remember from my worried posts). So I took up a creative way of eating for the days after my extractions.

I ate beans with cheese, cream of wheat, soups, oatmeal, and mashed potatoes. Instead of swallowing them normally, I dropped spoonfuls in the back of my throat and swallowed with my mouth open, so as to avoid creating suction in my mouth, which can dislodge a bloodclot and create dry-socket.

I avoided brushing my teeth for the first couple of days too, and when I finally did, I let the water just fall out of my mouth, instead of spitting, which also creates suction. I do think it's good to keep one's mouth clean, but salt-water rinses shouldn't be done for 24 hours after the extractions, and cleansing should be done gently.

I was especially worried about the clots since it took my extractions sites over 12 hours to stop bleeding. Also, I take the BC pill, and that can negatively affect one's blood-clotting abilities.

I advise others who get extractions to do the same. No straws, no cigarettes, no spitting, etc.

Extractions are freaky, but if you're careful, you'll be fine and your teeth will have SO much room.

Best of luck!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:42 pm
by montesser
Lesdents has some good advice for avoiding Dry Sockets.

Septimus - Like you I was terrified of getting extractions, but now that I look back on it, it was really no big deal. I am a drooling machine, so the hard part for me was keeping my shirt dry. I had 4 pre-molars done in January, and they seemed pretty much healed after 2 weeks. I only used local anesthetic, but I have no problems with the shots. If you are not one that likes the novacaine shots, then you may want to try sedation. It's more expensive, but it can help those who don't do well with pain. As for driving, with the local, I was able to drive myself home. Overall, the experience wasn't bad. 6 months later, and I'm glad I had it done.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:53 pm
by smile
It seems much worse than it is! They just pop out without any pain (thank the lord for novacaine). It's almost unnerving how easily they are removed in my opinion..


Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:29 pm
by Joual
I don't have any advice, I just wanted to say that I hope everything goes well. I understand how you feel because I have to have 4 premolars extracted. I have a consult with the oral surgeon next week. I hope that you're able to prevent dry sockets.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:35 pm
by Joual
I just found a really interesting and informative site about extractions (check out the links in the green box): ... ctions.htm


Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:42 pm
by debonairdenise
I had 4 teeth removed in April. I heard several horror stories about the pain and what to expect. I worried for no reason. I had absolutely no pain, bruising or swelling. My advice(and my doctor's advice) to you is to take the pain medication that is prescribed to you immediately following the procedure. By the time the medication the doctor gave me wore off the new meds had already kicked in. Sleep in an elevated position for atleast 3-4 days it helps with swelling, purchase an ice pack-my doctor gave me one and finally relax. Take the time for your body to heal and don't over do it. You should be fine.

Good Luck


Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:37 pm
by Septimus
thanks everyone for your support that really helped.

i only had 1 out, he said he'll do them 1 at a time. i think he sensed i was a bit tentative.

it was pretty painless but wouldnt stop bleeding! oh well.

anyway thanks again everyone.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:50 pm
by Septimus
by the way,

i kept the tooth

and i tried to snap it in half with my hands but it just wouldnt break!