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Plane food

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:53 am
by Squeakers
Hello everyone!

So, I am getting closer to my first adjustment date (the 27th) my mouth is still a bit tender, and I am going home to visit family for a bit before...I was wondering what everyone recommends for plane food?

It's a west to east coast trip, so I need something to tide me over for the several hours. :D

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:18 am
by babymetalmouth
I would take some snaky food!! Yum!

They normally have food on the plane but if you dont wanna eat that then Id suggest a little picnic. This is what I would take

A few packs of soft crisps, like ones you would give to a small child. ( Wotsits or Quavers over here)

Some Chocolate like Milky way.. Or malteasers, something like that will be easy to melt and mily way is sooo soft!

Some soft bread sarnies. I like to use fluffy bread and cut the crusts off, and have something like cheese and tomato in them or a sandwich spread as these are easy to break bits off with your fingers without making a mess, I never bite into sarnies anyways, but most people do so I suggest that. Or take a nife and fork!

I always like cold pizza, you could cut it up into bite size peices before you go, and keep it in a nice container, therefore you have pizza bites!!


I cant think of much as I dont know what brands you have there, but genrally think, what would you give a baby? Not like newborn ( dont wanna live on milk!) Like just teething todler food.

Anything spongey and genrally anything that is going to be, chew it a little and swallow.

Why dont you try and have a meal in the airport before you leave? Most places have reasurants and you could get something soft there! If not stuff your face beforee? When your on the plane, try to drink alot, and take food you can contantly snack on, I know there must be some snacks you can eat at the moment, just take them!!

I hope I have helped and have a nice and safe flight!


Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:09 pm
by Squeakers
Going on Southwest, they usually have a small snack pack with ritz crackers, and fruit gummy things in it, I'll probably find something amongst the stuff that I can munch. Thank you guys so much for the ideas!! :)

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:55 pm
by nvcarissa
Doesn't Southwest generally stop over in Phoenix? Will you have time to get off the plane? I highly recommend the Burrito place they have in the terminal! They may be messy...but they are soft and oh, so, good!!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:33 pm
by Squeakers
Ohh I wish! I won't be heading the PHX this time :( That sounds sooo good too lol. Those have been the staple for me the last few weeks! I settled on making a soft sandwich, taking some cheese cubes, and other little munchies.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:08 pm
by August1
As a frequent flyer for work (52k+ miles already this year and 6 months to go still!) I've found that most plane food is pretty easy to eat. If your first adjustment is on the 27th and you're travelling right before that, I think it's safe to say that your teeth won't be sore anymore by then. I can eat most types of crackers/chips except for the few days right after an adjustment. If you're flying United they have a great breakfast tray that's got yogurt, cheese, and pre-cut chunks of fruit. Perfect for braces :)