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Can't Floss

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:41 pm
by ucldbmine
Since I had my braces put on I have 2 teeth I can not floss (same tooth upper and lower) I can't tell if it's cement from the putting on the brackets or if my teeth just moved closer together.. Anyone have problems flossing certain teeth throughout treatment? I also have one heck of a time flossing my rear molars on all sides have problems getting the floss threaded through the wires not enough room to manuver.. any tips?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:47 pm
by skittley80
Hey...My teeth too are VERY crowded. I don't have braces yet, but my dentist said for me to floss only in the areas i'm able to. And to use the water pik in addition to flossing to get the food out of areas that the floss couldn't reach. Seems to be working pretty good for me.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:38 pm
by jcdamon3
What kind of floss are you using? That can make a huge difference.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:45 pm
by CLAmom
There's lots of places I find impossible to floss as well. I use a dental pick after meals & before brushing and also a Waterpik but not as much as I used to. The Waterpik gets out stuff even after everything feels clean--it's amazing.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:42 pm
by ucldbmine
I have tried a few types of floss the first was the colgate glide or whatever the one is with the single strips of floss with one end hard. I finally settled on those loops you put the floss through I end up tying one end of the floss to the loop. I decided on this one for a couple reasons 1 the hard part is longer and 2 the hard part is harder lol. I think one of my biggest problems is that I never used loose floss like this before being braced I always used a reach flosser and I have problems getting the angle correct.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:36 pm
by pk_girl
I dont use floss, so I wouldnt be able to help you, but is is at ALL possible to slide the floss between your teeth? even a little bit?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:42 pm
by ucldbmine
not around these two teeth.. I can't get the floss in at all. I thought maybe they got cement in the crack or something I never had problems flossing them before I got the brackets put on.

So if you don't floss what do you do? I always thought flossing was a big pain in the rear but now that I have to weave around the wires and it takes half the night I wish I didn't have to! :roll:

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:26 pm
by jcdamon3
I agree totally with KK. Try the crest glide floss if that still doesn't work call the ortho. I had some glue between my teeth and had the assistance remove it the other day. I didn't see how those teeth would ever come together without removing that glue first. If your teeth are really tight there is no doubt things will start moving around. I have gaps between almost every tooth at this point. My 11th month anniversary is today I think so I am hoping that very soon they will start closing gaps and finishing things up!

And yeah, I like the thing about flossing is easier than dealing with losing the teeth. I agree!

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:53 am
by JeepGirl
Try using Crest Glide Floss. My teeth were very crowded as well before braces. After I got my molar bands on I couldn't floss for about 2-3 days which drove me nuts! But my teeth did shift and then I could floss just fine. If after a few days you still can't floss I would call the ortho to see if there is any cement blocking your ability to floss.

Good Luck! :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:46 am
by princesspenelope
For the first four weeks, I couldn't floss between two of my teeth either (the floss kept breaking when I forced it through with floss threader), after two days I figured out it was because the cement covered it. So I used the cheaper Walmart brand floss, which is thinner, for that spot. Now the cement is slowly coming off, and I can use the regular Oral B floss for those two teeth also.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:15 pm
by ucldbmine
So I went and saw Dr. Damon today and sure enough my teeth were sealed together.. It wasn't cement as I first thought but the sealant that they put on your teeth before the braces go on seeped into the cracks. Hopefully they'll move faster now that they aren't pasted together too lol :lol:

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:33 pm
by Sheree
I too have been having problems flossing the rear top molars. It's hard getting the proper angle to get the floss in (I use SuperFloss). I am VERY determined to not miss a night of flossing, so I try and try again, often getting so frustrated I'm almost in tears. The first night I got my tops on I think it took me like 10 minutes or more to floss. The bottoms are a breeze...It's just those top rear molars. I'm thinking about getting a Waterpik, seriouslly!!

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:30 pm
by ucldbmine
everyone talks about this waterpik is it like a hummingbird? I don't see how it could replace flossing and getting under the gums. If it does though I'm going to have to rush out and buy one it takes me 10 minutes to floss my teeth as well simply because I can't reach those top rear molars to get floss weaved through. Ugh only 12 more months of this to go.