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New here but braces come off in 15 days! I am zig zagged.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:32 am
by BoringBrandon
Just found this site tryin to figure out the purpous of the whole zigzagging rubberbands in my mouth is. I am 19 and just finished my first year of college. But my summer job is waiting tables in which i talk to customers a lot. My shift is 6 hours I was wondering if it would be harmful if i didnt have the rubberbands on for that time as long as i had them on the majority of the day and night.
Thanks for any help and response.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:16 pm
by Dark_angel
As you are just about to have your braces off it is very important that you wear your elastics as you have been told, i would suggest trying to learn to speak with them in.

I need to talk in my job and i often dont wear them when i work but i've still got along time left in braces, try to bear it for just a few more weeks.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:54 pm
by BoringBrandon
I appreciate the response, but what do they do, is it for some sorta over bite?
But saturday I have a date and i have already planned on taking off the bands from like 5 till i go to bed i hope that isnt very harmful seeing as i will have had them on untill that point.


Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:57 am
by BoringBrandon
Yeah some valid points, since i am soo close to the end, I'll tell you what tho, waking up in the morning is the most painful part of my day.

Sometimes while waking up ill yawn only being half awake and then my mouth will shut with much more force than i would i if i were awake. OUCH! is what that translates in to. Anycase i gotta eat brush and then put them back on.

brandon out