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Gum Overgrowth? Swelling?

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:47 am
by mclaren004
Hi everyone,

I'm new here and I did search the forums and didn't find anything similar to my problem.

I recently got a bite plate to fix my overbite, the only problem is that the plate keeps hitting against the gums of my front teeth. Now there seems to be some gum tissue growing in the space between the plate and one of my front teeth. Its really swollen and weird. I don't know what to do to get rid of it. I brush really well etc. I even used some prescription mouthwash .. and nothing helps :cry: .

Thank you for reading my post and thanks in advance for any advice you may be able to give to me.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:26 am
by susieq182
Bite plates are a big pain. I had mine for just less then 6 months and cant say that I ever had the same problem. It may be something you should call your ortho about. it sounds like the biteplate is moving around and it really shouldnt move. THe plate should be snug against the roof of your mouth and the back off your front teeth.
it may not have anything to do with the bite plate some times when your teeth move your gums get smooshed and look puffy. In which case the tissue doesnt seem to hurt. I would just call the ortho and have a quickchat about it usually they know exactly what is going on and tell you what to do, or they have you come in to take a look at it.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:03 am
by mclaren004
thanks for replying susieq. I did talk to my ortho about it and he is the one that prescribed the medicated mouthwash. Not only does the mouthwash totally make my mouth realllllyyy dry, I start getting cuts on my tongue and stuff. I have been using the mouthwash for like a month now and it has not helped.

I am glad that you don't have to wear a bite plate anymore.

I will take your advice and call the ortho again about this problem, although he isn't the most informative person ..hehe.

Thanks once again!

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:43 am
by payoki
sorry...but what is a mouth plate because I'm also being treated for overbite but I've never heard of it.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:02 am
by Gennel
I am not in your situation but I have had gum irritation ,pain etc...
The best advice I have gotten from my dentist,hygienist and many people on this forum is ( WARM WATER SALT RINSES) 1/2 tsp salt mixed with 6 oz of warm water at least 4-5 times a day. Warm water salt rinses is the best gum healer I have found and it works! Plus it kills germs also. Don't rinse your mouth with fresh water after your final rinse with salt water.
I was not convinced and I asked if I can get a special prescription mouth rinse. Again I was told that saltwater rinses is so much better than anything else. Try the saltwater rinses 4-5 times a day for at least a week to see and feel the difference. I do the rinses now at least once a day just to help with my gums since my teeth are constantly moving so it helps a lot with healing.


Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:08 am
by Lisa65
I don't know if this is the same thing but when I was a teenager I had what passed for braces in those days lol. It was more like a retainer with a plate that went in the roof of your mouth and was removable.
As my front teeth were pulled back I developed a "flap" of gum just behind one of my front teeth, between the tooth and the front of the retainer plate. I guess it was just excess skin where the teeth had been further forward. It was a little tender and felt swollen.

My dentist said it would eventually disappear and over time it kinda shrivelled up and disappeared. Try and resist the urge to fiddle with it as that will irritate it more, and keep up the salt rinses.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:07 am
by ashantia
I too have swollen puffy gums but not de to a bite pallet. I was freaked out one day when I woke up and they were all swollen. The places between my teeth even where there were no spaces are puffy and seem to growing down my tooth but to not hurt and are not irritated. When I went it last week for an adjustment my ortho said this was normal and that this will happen when the gum tissue is being pushed together. He said it was nothing that concerned him, but just to make sure to keep brushing well and especially flossing extra carefully where the gum overgrowth is happening to make sure they are getting cleaned. The salt water rinse is great too.

Hope that helps!

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:36 pm
by mclaren004
Hi again ...

Wow .. I am amazed at how everyone here is so nice and helpful!

Payoki, my bite plate is similar to a retainer as Lisa65 explained, except mine is fixed and cannot be removed. I do not know how long I have to have it in for. Although I always ask the assistant for an estimate of how much longer I need it ..they never tell me...hah .. must be a long time!

Lisa65 & Gennel & Ashantia - my problem sounds almost exactly like yours Lisa65. Except that I feel like my teeth are moving forward, and not backwards. But it is how you described it .. like a gum flap ..weird looking thing. I will follow yours, Gennel's, and Ashantia's advice and start on those salt water rinses. I hope it works ... since it did for all of you, its worth a try ...anything to get rid of this oddity ..hahah.

Thanks everyone!