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Bends in Wire

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:13 pm
by Chris
Does anyone else have this experience?

They put a bend in the wire to bring a tooth forward, then it messes some other tooth up like the adjacent one?

And I wonder if the tooth keeps moving until your next appointment as I don't think the wire is suppose to straighten out like the usual twists and turns you get when first braced...all my brackets are lined up, but some of my teeth at the bottom are hitting the backs of the uppers to soon so he's moving a tooth forward, then the next. ONE step at a time! :roll:

P.S. Lost the bracket on my crown for the 4th time! Went back and he left it naked this time (guess that means it won't be long now)

I think I figured out how to get the braces off sooner ... keep making those extra in-between appointments after all is paid for...they'll get tired of you and get you outta there sooner. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Bends in Wire

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:36 pm
by Chris
Apart from getting my teeth to do things quicker ... I'd just love to see him more often! :oops:
Does someone have a "crush" on their ortho? Hmmm? :P

Is he cute?

I wouldn't mind if mine looked like Sean Connery (lisp and all) :lol:

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:16 pm
by Nikkiekoala
Ya I have a bend in my wire (I am at the thickest possible wire) to pull a tooth forward and in the process it has opened a gap between the tooth that was moved forward and the tooth next to it :( I go in next week for an adjustment hopefully my ortho will fix it then. The gap is driving me nuts.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:16 am
by CLAmom
Yup, I have a couple of these bends from my last adjustment a month or so ago and the tooth is definitely still moving. Trouble is it seems like the wrong tooth to me. Last time in I asked the ortho when the top left central would come down & forward to line up with the top right central. It's so noticably different when they are side by side like that. So he put the bends in the wire and I swear it's worse now. I go in again on the 24th so we'll see what's going on--it's just so frustrating. When I run my tongue along the backs of these two teeth the edge of the left one is so prominent. I just want to push it forward with my tongue!! :evil:

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:19 pm
by fins
I can't tell a thing is going on with the bends in my archwire. I HOPE the archwire isn't supposed to straighten out cause I have huge bends in the wire. The only thing I noticed is a gap I just closed opened up with a new gap as well.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:11 pm
by Tiffchelle
Hi, I also have bends in both archwires. I think my ortho is still in the levelling phase. And a gap did open up in my top arch, but he assured me that at my next adjustment he would work on closing it - he just had some other things to work on. I also don't hope the archwire is supposed to straighten out - I've got deep bends in the wires.