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Got braces today..and have questions

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:07 am
by skittley80
I just got back from getting my braces on. I got tops and bottoms. I knew they were going to feel really weird, and they long until I get used to them. The only place really bothering me is my front teeth. I feel like I have so much stuff in my mouth, and it feels so funny against my lips. Another question I have is, did anyone notice their face look different after getting braces. I came home, looking in the mirror and my face just looks "off". Kind of like my bottom lip is to the right lol..Maybe it was always like this and I'm just now paying enough attention to notice? Overall everything feels ok so far, everything feels tight. Well any help you can offer would be great. Thanks

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:19 am
by MarilynT
Congrats on your new braces -- congrats, because one day you'll get them OFF! :D

I do recall that I thought my facial structure looked different after my braces were put on. I only had one friend comment that she noticed something different, too.

As to how soon you get used to how it feels, well, I suppose it's different for folks depending on what's being corrected. I noticed that it seemed like I didn't have enough lips to cover everything comfortably, but that wore off quickly. I got my lower braces put on about a month after the uppers and I definitely felt like the lower were more of an adjustment than the upper, although I couldn't quite tell you why.

My guess is that in about a week it will start feeling less foreign.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:54 am
by JoeMama
Congratulations on your braces! It's different for everyone, but I think it was about a week or so before I didn't think about them every second. And then it gets easier and easier as time goes by, you think about them less and less. And for me, there are still ups and downs, like soreness and just plain old annoyance, but the downs get further apart and less intense. It's hard not to feel like your face looks different because you have a whole bunch of metal (or ceramic) in your mouth. I really doubt it's as noticable as it feels and definitely not something someone else would be able to see. You'll get used to that too. Just be patient and go easy on yourself. It's a big adjustment to make.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:13 am
by eaglesoaring
Hi Skittley! Welcome, and congrats!!

I got both uppers and lowers 6 weeks ago.

I noticed my face looks a little more sunken in just below my cheek bones, (due to a little bit of weight loss? or just the added metal in my mouth?). And, suddenly, my smile seemed crooked! (It probably was crooked before, but I just NOTICED it after I got my braces).

As for getting used to them...well, that's hard to say, as everyone is different, but after a bit of time you'll stop thinking about them so much. Like JoeMama said...just be patient with yourself, and go easy. It IS a lot to get used to. It was a good thing they weren't removable, as I would have yanked them out of my mouth the second day I had them! It's a very strange feeling, having all this new stuff in your mouth! Just give it some time.

I really felt like I'd never get my lips wrapped around them, as I had some "fang" teeth (front uppers), and now, they have moved a bit, so my lips aren't struggling as much.

Again, be patient with yourself. You're not alone in this...we're all going through it. Smile! You'ro on your way!!

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:18 am
by jennandtonic
I didn't notice any facial differences other than I couldn't close my lips all the way. And it sure felt weird having the braces just under my lips that way! But trust me, you'll get used to it pretty quickly. There may be times after adjustments, or after a meal where you'll feel them more than normal, but you WILL get used to it, I promise!

Congrats on getting braces! :D

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:04 pm
by skittley80
Thanks for all your replies..I feel better. The only thing bugging me now is when I talk lol. You would think they could come up with something easier to fix our teeth than braces lol.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:25 pm
by LP
Hi skittley,

I'm a braces newbie too (one week tomorrow) and I too couldn't believe how weird it felt. These tiny little things felt like they stuck out an inch off of my teeth :?

Today is the first day that I have forgotten they are there a couple times. If I'm just sitting still and not talking I barely notice them now and I'm only using wax on the ends of the wire. I still have tenderness in the front teeth and am no where near being able to bite with my incisors, but things are much better.

I too noticed facial changes. I seem to have two looks now....fat lip (if my lips aren't together which is often due to overbite), and pouty (when I close my lips).

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 6:47 pm
by skittley80
LOL LP, I have the same facial expressions's weird how these little things makes everything so different. I'm not having any pain yet though. I mean everything feels tight I guess due to the wire, but nothing really this normal? Is this just the calm before the storm?

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:17 pm
by LP
I was braced by 9:30am - had extractions by 4:00pm the same day, and late that night and early the next day is when it started to hurt for me.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:28 pm
by nvcarissa
Welcome to the world of braces. When I first got my braces on, they felt so big, especially the ceramics on my top six front teeth. I got used to my metal braces pretty fast, but never really got comfortable with the larger ceramics so at three months into treatment, I traded them in for metal and have never regretted it.

My lips got puffier just from having the extra hardware in my mouth.

Since my surgery, I notice my lower braces just a bit more because they are pushed up against my lower lip, but that is fading too.