Officially Braced

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Officially Braced

#1 Post by mamabracito »

Well I officially have braces on now. They feel so wrong lol. It feels like they don't belong in my mouth lol. My teeth feel a bit tight but so far there is no pain. But they've only been on less then an hour. Everyone was so nice to me. They gave me a list of foods that I'm not supposed to eat and I will probley stick to it. I get to see Pirates of the Carribean now because I was good lol. I can't wait. We're going to the 4 oclock show. Well I'll keep you updated on how I feel. I'm sure I'll be feeling it tonight.



July 18, 2006 Speed Braces on both Top and Bottoms!
July 30, 2007 BSSO, Le Fort 1, SARPE, and something else Surgery lol!

Pirate Wench
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#2 Post by Pirate Wench »


Don't forget to do your salt water rinces. Make sure to use OTC pain killers as needed. Don't let the pain get out of hand. Pain killers work best if they are used as soon as the pain starts and isn't intollerable! My ortho assistant advised me to try to go without using wax for 7 days to allow my mouth to build calices. It was painful, but it worked.......keep in mind you have to do what you need to do for yourself. Most people use wax right away and that is what works for them.

Good luck and keep us posted!

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#3 Post by eaglesoaring »


You did it!! You did it!! Hooray!! That is awesome! I know what you mean about them feeling 'wrong'. It's just awkward...I mean, all of this stuff in your mouth...yeah, it's strange. HOWEVER, give yourself some time to let them settle in a bit. It's taken me a while. (I'm at 6 weeks or so). I've had NO pain. NONE. Thankfully. A couple of sore spots on my inner cheeks, but not so bad I had to take any meds. And I have only needed wax once, when I first got started. Your teeth may feel tight, pressure, spongy, loose, make clicking noises, or crunching noises, but these can be signs of getting those teeth loosened up, so they can move.

As soon as you see movement (which is different for everybody), please let us know! I know that when I first saw movement, I was so encouraged. All of the awkwardness was worth it! And I've continued to see movement...which is really great!

I agree with Pirate Wench,...use the wax if you need it, but if you can, go without, which will allow your cheeks to get a little tougher.

Good job!! And enjoy your movie!!

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#4 Post by skittley80 »

Congrats on getting braces.. I just got braced yesterday and I hated it...but today, just one day later, things are already starting to feel ok. Congrats again :)

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#5 Post by Flora2006 »

Congratulations on getting your braces!!

The first few days are always the hardest but you will soon get used to the feeling of having these things in your mouth. I hope all is going well for you!

Wasn't Pirates of the Caribbeans the best movie?!?! Loved it :D


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#6 Post by mamabracito »

Thanks everyone! I will take your advice plus try some new things of my own lol. As for the wax my ortho advised me not to use it for the first couple of days, so I can build up the strength. He said don't put yourself in a lot of pain though. I'm going to eat my first meal in a bout 5 minutes so we'll see how I make with that. I do find myself with a lot of salvia (not sure how to spell it) in my mouth, which I am sure will be better once I am used to everything. At least I hope so lol...I had to brush my teeth already because they felt so dirty from all the salt they used at the ortho office. I hate that feeling.

Anyway thanks again for the advice.



July 18, 2006 Speed Braces on both Top and Bottoms!
July 30, 2007 BSSO, Le Fort 1, SARPE, and something else Surgery lol!

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#7 Post by LP »


I also feel like I have more saliva then I used to. I think it's just that it gets caught up in the braces. That and for the first couple days a didn't move my mouth more then I needed to so that probably contributed to the feeling of excess saliva.

It's been one week today and although eating is a slow process still...everything is going really well and my lips don't hurt anymore either (except the pokey wires).

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#8 Post by jetxness »

i think i mostly notice the new excess saliva situation at night on my pillow.

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#9 Post by ladygal »

Hey, congrats on offically joining the club!!!

I have to agree with kk...use the wax!!! Yes you will still get some sores, but I preferred to gradually get use to them rather than the cold turkey approach.

Also, don't be afraid to CHEW! It's so easy to eat really soft foods and just 'barely' chew at them, but if you do that it will take you longer to get back to real foods. So yes eat soft foods, but consciously chew them. That way you'll get your teeth back to a 'normal' again.

Oh, keep a toothbrush and paste with you at all times. Food really gets stuck in braces. I've been surprised to see little flecks of spices in the weiredest of places. :)

Again, welcome to the club!


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One Week

#10 Post by Dramagyrl »

Today is officially one week for me since I got mine on. I think I kind of regret doing the clear brackets on the top because they look so mismatched with the metal bottom (I think pink elastics on the bottom kind of add to the odd look). I also found it much easier to adjust to the metal on the bottom, it's still challenging to speak with the top as my lip rubs and I worry my lip will get stuck on the top. Surprisingly, not many have noticed them when I am talking, I think I'm more self-conscious than anything.
Today was the first time a co-worker decided to make a comment about it, and that was pretty offensive.
As much as a lot of the initial frusterations from getting them on are passing, I find the wires in the back corners are still poking and causing deep cuts. Most of the other wounds have healed thanks to salt-water and Amosam rinses.
I just wish the punctures and tears would stop and wonder if they will. Each time I have an adjustment, will they continue to return?

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Re: One Week

#11 Post by LP »

Dramagyrl wrote:Today is officially one week for me since I got mine on. I think I kind of regret doing the clear brackets on the top because they look so mismatched with the metal bottom (I think pink elastics on the bottom kind of add to the odd look). I also found it much easier to adjust to the metal on the bottom, it's still challenging to speak with the top as my lip rubs and I worry my lip will get stuck on the top. Surprisingly, not many have noticed them when I am talking, I think I'm more self-conscious than anything.
Today was the first time a co-worker decided to make a comment about it, and that was pretty offensive.
As much as a lot of the initial frusterations from getting them on are passing, I find the wires in the back corners are still poking and causing deep cuts. Most of the other wounds have healed thanks to salt-water and Amosam rinses.
I just wish the punctures and tears would stop and wonder if they will. Each time I have an adjustment, will they continue to return?
Hey Dramagyrl,

Apparantly we were braced on exactly the same day. Cool. It'll be so great to watch as all of us newbies progress together, and we are so lucky to have the knoweldge and experience of the verterans to guide us! :lol:

And I was wondering the same thing about the mouth 'readjusting' after each adjustment.

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Location: Alberta, Canada


#12 Post by Dramagyrl »

Hi LP,
It is cool to find someone else who got them on the same day, and a fellow Canadian I notice.
How long are you looking at for treatment?
I am looking at 20 months they said, so that's why I hope my cheeks build up strength like my gums and lips did, because I sure don't want to deal with the punctures any longer than I actually have to.
My ortho and his assistant had both said if they were poking to call them and come in, they would fix it so it didn't. Someone else said the poking is an indication the teeth are moving, which is good. I just don't want to be a major pain to my ortho every time I get a poke, I hope it passes or the cheeks just toughen up.

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Re: Hi

#13 Post by LP »

Dramagyrl wrote:Hi LP,
It is cool to find someone else who got them on the same day, and a fellow Canadian I notice.
How long are you looking at for treatment?
I am looking at 20 months they said, so that's why I hope my cheeks build up strength like my gums and lips did, because I sure don't want to deal with the punctures any longer than I actually have to.
My ortho and his assistant had both said if they were poking to call them and come in, they would fix it so it didn't. Someone else said the poking is an indication the teeth are moving, which is good. I just don't want to be a major pain to my ortho every time I get a poke, I hope it passes or the cheeks just toughen up.
Hey again,

Not only am I a fellow Canadian, I used to live in Alberta too (for about 3ish years).

I'm looking at 18-24 months of treatment. Of course I'm hoping it's closer to the 18 then the 24 :lol:

I was going to go in for the poking wires, but I have an apt next week anyways so I'll just wax it for now. I had teeth pulled AFTER having them put on so my wires don't go all the way back yet, so next Tuesday I'll have a new wire poking me in an all new spot :roll:

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#14 Post by fitchick »

Hi Rebecca,

Congrats on getting your braces on. The countdown starts now. The salt water rinses will certainly help your mouth toughen up and keep the wax handy.

But best of all you get to see the movie!

Good Luck.

Jun06 Lower brace on
Aug06 Root Canals completed
Mar07 Upper Brace on
July08 Braces off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#15 Post by Joanna20 »

Join the club! Have fun in this new experience. We are here to help!



Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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