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I'm scared to call my ortho over another loose bracket

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:29 am
by jacobsgirl
This just isn't right.
I went in last Thursday to have 2 brackets replaced and the one he replaced on my front tooth POPPED right back off on Saturday!
So here I sit Tuesday afternoon too scared I'll be mocked and scorned for choosing clear brackets to call and try to get an emergency appointment.
On my last visit the ortho almost insisted that he replace all my clear brackets with standard metal ones last week and I he wouldn't let up that I'd just break them again!
The thing of it is - the darn bracket popped off on it's own, I wasn't eating I wasn't talking - heck I was barely breathing! After it happened I was so devastated I started sobbing and the thought of having to deal with my ortho again kept me sobbing for 10 more minutes! From what I've heard it's normal to loose brackets in the first couple weeks but if you'd have asked my ortho he would've made it seem like I was the worst patient he'd ever seen!
I'm not sure what to do, but I know that I shouldn't be ridiculed and shouldn't be SCARED to call my ortho!!!!!

Braced 6/30/06

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:34 am
by jcdamon3
Make the call. You will feel better once you do. He shouldn't mock you though that isn't right. You don't want to delay your treatment though.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:41 am
by payoki
my ortho warned me to not have anymore beef jerky after the first incident where my molar bracket snapped off but that didn't stop me from having my favorite treat, it happened two more times but heck! I just call as if no big deal and my ortho doesn't give me that lecture.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:47 am
by mindwaves
It was kind of like me. The day after I got my braces, I wasn't doing anything and one of the brackets just popped right off. It was pretty scary, but I called and made an emergency appointment and they put it back on, but a few hours later, I realized that now the arch wire had come off the very same tooth so I called and made another appointment and they fixed that problem also. They were very understanding so don't worry too mucb about it!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:53 pm
by rockexrolloh
I've only had braces since June 1st and I've already been in for 5 emergency visits. I've had two loose brackets and the same wire tie came off three times, even after they put it back on!!
Now I have another loose bracket that I have to go in to get fixed tomorrow.
It happens to everyone. Just make the call.
I have clear brackets on my top 6 and the rest are metal. My clear brackets haven't come off at all, only my metal ones. I don't think it really matters which kind you have.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:10 pm
by babymetalmouth
If your ortho sais anything to make you feel uncomfortable, be sure to let him know, hes there to serve you, you go to him to get something fixed, you pay his bills, dont let him make you feel like you cant go to get something fixed! Ring him up and say, It fell off, I think it must be bad flur or something, becuase I didnt do anything that should have made it fall off.

If I was you, I would go with what he sais as he is probably doing his job good, but he probs just isnt used to people telling him what they want. lol!

Im confused becuase I thought brackets never came off... :shock: Only when people have been going mental chewing toffe and apples and stuff, Is it normal?

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:15 pm
by rockexrolloh
babymetal, when my brackets were loose i did absolutely nothing out of the ordinary to cause it to become loose.
today i was just drinking a diet dr. pepper and noticed one of my brackets was loose. i have no idea why it happens. they kind of just slide around the wire though.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:22 pm
by Painfulvanity
I had four or five loose brackets my first month, most of them came off because they were on crowns. It is harder to get them to stick to crowns. I also had one pop off while I was doing nothing and one just hours after I had a new wire put on. It was upsetting because I didn't want to deal with the pain of another visit and to deal with the attitude that I was doing it deliberately to inconvenience the staff.

When I went in to have them reglued the assistant said in a sarcastic and patronizing manner "Another bracket loose" to which I curtly replied "Yes! Another bracket, this isn't fun for me, I would much rather be somewhere else." That shut her up. I was just sick of their attitude.

Just stand your ground, don't apologize. You are the one going through the biggest inconvenience and the pain. It will be okay.


Patient Rights

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:54 pm
by ladygal
jacobsgirl....remember you have the right to be treated with dignity and respect! If you are doing your best, then don't feel guilty. You are paying your bill, so get the treatment and go on.

I think some professionals forget the "love for the patient" Stick to your ground, if you want clear brackets then that is what you should have. If he get too pushy take someone with you to help back you up, so you don't feel that you have to give in. Remember YOU ARE THE PATIENT, and you have rights too.

I hope things go well :)


Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:40 pm
by fins
Oh, don't worry what they think. Most orthos see tons of people with loose brackets, broken wires, etc. Heck, my figure 8 fell off a molar and I didn't do anything that would cause that. I just called and went back in.

At the start of my treatment I was in for various emergency appts., it seemed like it was a bad start but things improved. I never lost a bracket yet but believe me, there are loads of kids in my office with loose brackets..the techs are saying "didn't you know your bracket was loose" and kids invariably reply no.

Don't let the office staff put you off with an appointment either. It's your time in braces and you should get in as soon as possible to fix it so you can get back on track with your treatment. Good luck.