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pics after my first adjusment!

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:49 pm
by rockexrolloh
Hey guys. It's been awhile since I've posted. I went in for my first adjustment yesterday. They didn't do anything but change my wire ties and ligs. They said they're going to wait to change my wire until next adjustment; not sure why. Anyway I wanted to share before and after pics. I've only been braced since June 1st.

Before braces:


A month and 18 days later:


The gap between my front teeth is closing really fast but now I have a huge gap on the left side of my front teeth. Ugh!!

Just thought I'd share.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:23 pm
by fitchick
Hi Rockexrolloh,

Wow! That is amazing progress in just over a month. That gap between your 2 front teeth has really closed up well. So, that means that although you aren't thrilled at the gap on the left side, it will inevitably close up as quick. I got brace the day after you, and I was hoping that my gaps would close. As yet they haven't, but my higgeldy piggeldy shape has changed into a definite arch.

Thanks for posting the photos, the pics are so inspiring, I am amazed everytime I see them. Good Luck for more speedy movement.


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:14 pm
by OneTime
the gap are closing, great job!

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:35 pm
by eaglesoaring
Hey!! Wow...what great movement!! Lookin' good!! Try not to get too frustrated, as many things will move around. Already, I've been through, "My teeth look worse than they did in the beginning" to "Wow, they look great" and back again! My 'ever-shifting mouth' is how I refer to my mouth these days!

Again, there is noticeable movement!! Keep us all posted! I love to see pics!
eagle :D

You've given me hope!

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:06 pm
by ladygal
Hey congrats on the fast movement. It's so encouraging to see that your main gap is closing so quickly. I have a 1/4 inch gap. I've only had braces 3 weeks, all of my other teeth are moving but I'm not seeing much closure yet. I really wish I had taken a pic before the braces went on. Yours really looks good, I really can't see much of a gap on the side.

Is your ortho going to place a wire behind your front teeth once the gap closes to keep it closed? Mine already told me he would....just curious!

Again congrats on the fast closure!

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:58 pm
by Leslie022
That gap is closing up fast! Of course, if one gap closes more are going to open but those close fast too! No worries!

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:14 pm
by Flora2006
Great progress :)

Like everyone else has mentioned, that front gap is doing an amazing job!!! Closing so must be so happy :)

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:27 pm
by Joanna20
Nice! :D

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:00 pm
by starbaby71
your teeth look awesome! that's definately some great progress in one month. I hope mine goes as well!! I've only had mine on for a week now.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:13 pm
by BraceUrself
you should be REALLY proud & don't worry-all the gaps will close in time ok! It's a work in progress! Congrats! I'm excited for you!

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:56 pm
by lionfish
Nice stuff, rockexrolloh. Like the others say, don't worry about the gaps. I'm not worrying about mine and they're a lot bigger than yours - :shock:


Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:29 pm
by chillin-in-grilz
awesome. Braces can do amazing things

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:12 pm
by kaydee
I just wanted to ask what type those clear brackets are that u have on the top, i have noticed some are quite large and those ones are quite small, what is the difference?? I would prefer the smaller ones and want to be able to ask the ortho if they do that type, thanks... :D