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Thx for the responses re: Ortho too busy to answer questions

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:15 pm
by Painfulvanity
Thanks to each and every one of you who responded, I got some good suggestions and it was helpful. My anxiety started when I called Ortho at home because she was going to be out for about 10 days and I told her I was getting stressed about the movement my teeth were taking.

I wanted to know if it was normal and I told her I just needed a little reassurance that whatever it was, it would get better. I said if it is going to get worse before it gets better, I can live with that as long as I know it will get better.

What stressed me out and perpetuated my anxiety was her response. She said 'I can't reassure you of anything without seeing you, I can't say if it is normal and/or that it can be fixed." I was hoping that she would have said something like "In the end, your teeth will look good, don't worry."

My feeling is that she is technically good (I hope anyway) but that she lends very little support when it comes to reassuring her patients and dealing with the anxiety they feel.
My appt is tomorrow and I intend to take along some questions so that I don't forget to ask. I feel like they force me to be confrontational because they seem aggravated that I take more than 2 minutes of their time.

Thanks again,