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Newbie with Questions

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:01 pm
by Paws917

I am 46 yrs. old and just got braces last Friday. My teeth are straight, but they have a lot of spaces in between them. I especially have a wide space between my two front teeth. I had those teeth bonded a long time ago to close up the space and it worked well until about a year ago when a little corner of the bonding broke off one tooth. After investigating all my options, I decided to take care of the problem once and for all with braces. I got ceramics on the top and regular metal ones on the bottom. The ortho said I'll need them about a year. So far, it's not too bad, but I have some questions.

1. What are the brackets with the little appendage attached?

2. I've read some of the posts on this board, but I haven't seen anyone mention talking with braces on. I feel like I'm talking with a mouth full of marbles! And I know I slur my words, even though my husband says I don't.

3. Some of my teeth feel sore, but not so sore that I need to take something. When I got the braces on, they said they were going to give me about six weeks to get used to them and on my next visit, they'd start moving them around. I really hate to think that I'm wasting these six weeks. Do you think the sore teeth are indicative of SOME movement or is that all in my imagination?

4. I seem to be afraid to chew my found thoroughly. I find myself eating very soft foods, like pasta and eggs, and chewing it a bit and then swallowing. I know I'm not chewing it enough, because I've choked (not badly) a couple of times in the last few days. I think I'm afraid of wrecking the braces if I chew normally. Has anyone experienced this fear? How well adhered are these things anyway? My husband (who had braces) tells me I can eat whatever I want, with the exception of the stuff on the NO list, and that I can eat normally, but it just does not feel right!

Sorry to ramble like this, but I feel like I fell down the rabbit hole!



Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:49 pm
by Paws917
Thanks so much for the info and reassurance! The link you provided with the different types of brackets was very helpful. I see the ones I am asking about pictured, but not labeled. They are to the immediate left of the one labeled BRACKET in the photo.

Thanks again!


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:38 pm
by Paws917
Oh, okay. That's kind of what I thought they were for, but I wasn't sure. When my husband had braces, he had the actual hooks. I never saw the kind I have before.

Thank you!


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:36 pm
by Paws917
Thank you so much for that fascinating link about the stages of orthodontic treatment! I feel like I understand it much better now and that will help me be patient.

I have to tell you all what a great website this is. I've already told a friend of mine about it who is due for braces in the next few months!

Thanks again!
