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40 yrs and getting braces

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:39 pm
by kymmietoo
I'm turning 40 and getting braces in a month. This wens. I'm having 4 teeth pulled and am very scared. I just wanted to know if anybody has had a similar experience that would help to ease my fears.

Kymmietoo :D

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:15 am
by jessikah
i just got my braces put on yesterday and on june 28th i had 6 teeth removed under a general anaesthetic at hospital. (4 wisdom teeth & 2 pre molars). my face was very swollen afterwards and bruised after 5 days. my bed, rest & painkillers were my best friends for about 8 days! my last stitch fell out only last wednesday! it can take 7-21 days for your stitches to dissolve! good luck with your teeth, i'm sure everything will be fine! don't be scared. i was scared, and because i was asleep i didn't feel a thing, only pain was afterwards during my recovery!

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:33 am
by Lisa65
I'm 41 next month and just had braces put on. I hopefully don't have to have any teeth out but I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 21. That takes a week or two to recover from but I understand other teeth aren't nearly as bad.

I hope it all goes well for you, and look at it as a positive step towards getting that lovely smile!

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:51 am
by JaneBy
I was 41 when I got my braces put on. If I'm lucky, I'll have them off before my 44th birthday! I had my wisdom teeth removed in my 20s, so I didn't have to have any extractions before being braced.

Good luck!

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:02 am
by Izzy
I'm 45 and have had braces for one week. So far the experience has been must easier that I thought. It is amazing how fast our bodies adjust to things.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:13 am
by mtb_nwbraces
I got braces two week after I turned 41.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:21 am
by skittley80
Hi there... I'm 26 and just got braces and had my wisdom teeth extracted in June.. I just wanted to say congrats on getting braces..It's a big decision to make and you should be proud of yourself. I just got my braces on Monday and it really isn't all that bad. I got clear on top and hardly anyone even notices that I have braces. When I had my wisdom teeth removed, it took about a week before my mouth felt better, but that's because I had crowding and all my other teeth moved since they had extra the extractions really aren't that bad either. Again, congrats on your no time at all you will have a beautiful smile

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 11:36 am
by fitchick
Hi Kymmietoo

I'm 40yrs next week (but don't tell anyone!) and I had braces fitted on 2 June. I also have to have 2 upper teeth extracted within the next few months. If anything it was the thought of having teeth pulled that made me think twice about the whole process. However, the comments on the board were all reassuring and I think as is the case with most treatments, the injection is the worst bit. Everyone seems to say that it is over quicker than they thought. I'm telling myself that if it was that bad then people wouldn't do it. So far it's working!

Congrats to you for taking the decision and Good Luck with your treatment. Will you post wednesday with an update for us?


Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:24 pm
by JettaDriver
I had my four wisdom teeth taken out when I was around 23 and now at 29 I just had two (right side, one bottom, one top) extractions in preparation for braces. The extraction process, I agree with others, did go by fast. The injections weren't even that bad either. Just cooperate fully with the dentist and it should go smoothly. I've had the most discomfort today (day 2), just because I have two children and my younger brother (15) is visiting and those three wear me out. I couldn't even take it too easy after the extractions.

I felt kind of silly going for the braces initially. I always thought I could put that money elsewhere and how superficial of me. However, I am sick and tired of hiding my smile. I envy people that can laugh whole heartedly without thinking twice about what their teeth look like. I want to be that way! And if it takes me being sore and in pain for a little while, I'll take it. I want to be proud of my smile for my next 30-40-50 years of life!

Best of luck!

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:44 pm
by lionfish
Hi kimmietoo, I was 53 when I started (will be 54 in early August) so I'm "ancient" compared to you (and some of the others. I'm almost 6 months in and can't say that braces have altered my lifestyle in any way.

I had a lower wisdom tooth pulled 3 days ago and it was a breeze. No pain, no meds needed, no time off work.

Hope you went alright on Wednesday.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:50 pm
by donnamac
Hi Lionfish...I'm a little ancient compared to YOU. I was 57 when I first got my braces, and that was 9 months ago. Everything has been fine except for my adjustment last week. The ortho put a new 'closing' wire on the top and then he had to 'activate' it. I really don't know what that means, but when he 'activated' it, I KNEW he had done something. My teeth were sore for days. I also got elastics. I should have known that things were going a little too smoothly before all this :roll: ...hahaha. The next time I go, I get my headgear. He had told me I wouldn't have to wear it, but...hmmmm...I guess he changed his mind.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:18 pm
by nvcarissa
I got my braces the same month I turned 48...I am now 50. Hopefully I will be bracefree before my 51st. Welcome to the club!!

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:40 pm
by bluehydrangea
I am 47 and have been in braces for 3 weeks now. It has gone a lot better than I ever anticipated. I have Damon 3s on top and Damon 2s on the bottom. I had 3 extractions; 2 upper and 1 lower. The extractions were done in less than an hour and I was on my way. Many people have not even noticed my new "smile". Congratulations to all of us who've made this decision (especially the over 40 crowd!!! :lol: )

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:23 pm
by lionfish
Hi donnamac, I didn't think I was the oldest person on the board but it's always nice to be reminded of that!

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:35 pm
by donnamac
Hi Lionfish....Have you had your birthday yet? If so, you're catching up with me... :lol: