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Is this only me? What's with my nose?

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:49 pm
by Dramagyrl
Maybe this is really strange and I am a total exception, but I am starting to wonder what's with this.
My nose has been tingling off and on, even more so when I bend over to spit after brushing. Then when I blow my nose, there is some blood. Not like a bloody nose, but clearly some blood in my nore.
I'm not a person who requires regular nose blowing, but now it's been lots every day.
I just wonder if this is part of the extra pressure on my face from the braces. From what I can tell, nothing else has changed dramatically enough to have such an effect... am I just overreacting or is this normal?
Any thoughts?

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:12 am
by PnkPrincess024
i just recently had sinus surgery and i have a 6-week post op and when he looks up my nose to get some of the yukky dried up stuff that even the $100 sinus irrigation system wouldnt take out...instead he has to use his plyers or whatever they are called...ANYWAYS when he would do that my front teeth hurt really bad and i asked him why and he said because the nerves to the nose are close to or connected to the teeth. that may be what you are experiencing but im not sure.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:55 pm
by phanta
are you feeling more tired from wearing braces? I get a bit of blood from blowing nose at times, mostly if I don't get enough sleep or am tired because of braces or heat, for example. Your capillaries become weakened when you're more tired.

Could it be that?

I dunno

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:04 pm
by Dramagyrl
Those all sound like possibilities, and thanks for the replies.
The front-tooth pressure sounds like the most probable, that was kind of what I was thinking.
I did have four extractions one week before the braces, but I think I started noticing this with the braces only. The first week with the braces, I felt a lot of pressure pain that was very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, it looks like the bleeding has stopped or reduced. I'm going to keep an eye on it for a couple more days and if it's not completely gone... do I go to my doc or ortho?

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:23 pm
by phanta
in Ontario we have a free Health consult number (called Telehealth Ontario). Registered nurses answer the phone. I've called them a few times and they ask you questions about your symptoms, then tell you all the possibilities, what could be causing the issue. Then advise if you should go see a doctor and what kind of doctor. I found them very helpful, because sometimes I just didnt have the time to go see a doctor or was too freaked out about something, so it was good to speak to a health professional.

Do you have a similar service in Alberta?

I did a web search and found Telehealth Alberta web site but not sure what their phone number is :

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:35 am
by babymetalmouth
oooooo I had a nosebleed the second day I got braces :shock: