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1st Adjustment - 7/20/06

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:07 pm
by ssfw
I hope all is well for everyone.

I had an appointment today for my first adjustment since I got my upper braces. My orthodontist took a look at my teeth and bite and was pleased with the progress since I got my upper braces 2 months ago. He said he would be removing my Quad-Helix expander, which I have had for about 6 months, at my next appt. He asked his assistant to place a heavier archwire (I think it was the next heaviest, I think I got the lightest one when the braces were placed 2 months ago) and a powerchain to close some small gaps. None of it was painful, just felt a bit of pressure when the powerchain was placed.

I asked my orthodontist about the need for lower braces because I was initially told there was a possibility I would not need the lower braces if they could get my bite corrected without it but would know around now, a couple months after I got my upper braces. He said the decision would be mine but with the lower braces they would be able to maximize my orthodontic correction of a better bite from correcting the crossbite and it would help in reducing my overjet. He said without the lower braces, he would be able to get a good bite and reduce my overjet but would get more correction with the lower braces. My thought from the beginning was that if I needed lower braces, it would be fine with me. I already have the upper braces so why not get the best result possible if lower braces are needed. So, I will be getting my lower braces at my next appt. also.

As always, the orthodontist and his staff are so nice - one thing I look forward to when I have an appt. My next appt. will be in 7 weeks.


Congrats on first adjustment

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:33 pm
by ladygal
Hey congrats to making it to your 1st adjustment

I was surprised that you had to wait for a possibility of lower braces. My doc told me it's just better to put them all on to keep the bite even...even though my upper jaw is the one that needs HELP. I'm glad though that I got the bottom on at the same time...the adjustment pain/time was covered all at once.

Good luck with your next adjustment![/b]

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:07 am
by ssfw
Thanks for the replies.

To date, I have not felt any discomfort from the adjustment appt. In fact, my bite seems to feel alot better since this appt. For awhile, before my adjustment appt., sometimes my bite on the right side, which was perfect pre-ortho treatment didn't seem the same, I think it may have been due to my expander. I was told although my crossbite was on the left side, the expander does effect the left and right sides.

I can't believe that it has already been over 6 months since I began orthodontic treatment in 1/2006. Time has gone by so quickly.

I do look forward to my ortho appts. because it gives me a chance to ask any questions that I may have thought of since my last appt. and hear about how my orthodontist feels my ortho treatment is progressing. My ortho treatment has gone so smoothly. I can't believe I have had no pain, just a sore tongue for a few weeks when my expander was placed. Even when I had the spacers, it was no discomfort. I have not had to take any pain relief yet. What more can I ask for, just hoping my luck continues.


Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:38 am
by eaglesoaring

Congrats!! I'm glad to hear that your Ortho could provide you more info on the need/lack of need for the lowers! Good luck in the coming months!

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:08 am
by ssfw
Hi eagle,

Thanks for your post.

Yes, I'm glad that my orthodontist gave me the pros and cons of getting the lower braces. Even when I went in for my orthodontic consultations, I asked all of the orthos what the pros and cons were of proceeding or not proceeding with ortho treatment. I know some of my ortho correction was cosmetic, such as my 5mm overjet, but was told that the crossbite can wear the teeth unevenly.

When did you get your braces? Of what I remember, your first adjustment was soon after mine. I was also wondering, it looks like you live in 2 states, how is that going to work for you with the ortho adjustments? I hope your ortho treatment is going as well as mine. How long did they estimate your treatment?


Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:45 am
by Pirate Wench
Glad to hear your 1st adjustment went so well! :thumbsup: It is nice to hear your ortho saying that he is happy with the movement. I know with mine, my ortho said it is looking good. When I look at my teeth in the mirror I can't tell they have moved. I can definately feel a difference in my bite, I just can't see it!

Good luck.....