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Brushing Stories?

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:32 pm
by Dramagyrl
Well I'm still pretty new to all this, but I've already had an embarassing brushing story. I thought I should put it out there, what's your most embarassing story or the craziest place you've had to brush??

Here's my story:
One of my first days with them at work, I hadn't told many people because I assumed they would figure it out on their own. So it's one of my first times brushing in the bathroom and I still have lots of cuts and sores in my mouth that are very painful.
After brushing, I put on wax and decided to put Anbesol on the painful sores to make it easier to return to work pain-free. I'd used the Anbesol a couple times that week already and had declared it my best friend.
Instead of putting the Anbesol on my finger and rubbing it on the sore spots, this time I decided I will actually put it in my mouth and squeeze it out on the sores. Very quickly, I had numbing stuff all over the bottle and my fingers. It starts oozing towards my lips, so I quickly use my finger to get the stuff on all the sore spots. Unfortunately, the large volume of stuff is all over my lips and tongue too, and it tastes terrible.
I resorted to paper towel and was literally licking it to get the gunk off my tongue when a co-worker enters the bathroom. Not only am I covered in pink stuff, I'm licking a paper towel and I'm too numb to explain why I am doing it.
I gave up on Anbsesol after that overdose. Nothing that does that to me is a friend of mine.

weirest place

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:50 pm
by ladygal
Wal-mart parking lot after eating a hambuger from Wendy's.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:01 am
by Sheree
I haven't had any embarrassing moments yet, but I feel for you! That must have been terrible! Sounds like one of those Southwest commercials (wanna get away??)!

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:08 am
by Dramagyrl
See, I expected everyone to have a story, I think that just goes along with braces. But to be light-hearted, I'm learning to laugh at it.

My other story occurred the other morning. I had just put mouthwash in my mouth when I realized one of my wires in the back corner was poking into my cheek and stuff. My guy is standing there talking to me as I realize my situation. I carefully tried to remove my cheek from the wire and it tore the skin, allowing strong mouthwash right into the wound. The pain wasn't too bad, but my funky-chicken dance while mouthwashing really confused my guy. :roll:

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:48 am
by Pirate Wench
I haven't had any major mishaps as of yet.....give me time....I am sure something will happen to me. Lucky for me, I work at home and only see people a few times a day! :thumbsup:

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:20 pm
by Katiari
Well, I just got braces yesterday and also bought a SonicCare toothbrush as I was told this was a very brace-friendly toothbrush to use. So, here I am in my bathroom with my new toothbrush, my prevident tooth paste and my silly metal filled mouth.

All was well for the first two minutes and the toothbrush turned off like it automatically does. I am used to putting a bit more tooth paste on my normal "manual" toothbrush and so am really not used to this massive amount of foamy, bubbly tooth paste all over the inside of my mouth from the frapping action of this oscilating automatic brush.

But, I'm a trooper so I marched onwards! I pushed the button on my toothbrush to start it up again for the last two minutes and sent it back in to fight plaque. All was well until I bumped the upper archwire with the head of the brush and shot pain through my face momentarily! I was caught off-guard and yanked the toothbrush out of my mouth with it still turned on.

Lots of foamy, bubbly tooth paste + furiously fast oscilating tooth brush + spazzing out me = tooth paste ALL over the place. I had tooth paste foam in my hair, on my face, dripping down my chest, in my EYE (!!!) on the mirror, on the sink, on the wall. After cleaning out my stinging eye I had a good laugh about it all!

Needless to say I have learned many valuable lessons from that experience that they don't cover in the SonicCare User's Guide and I lost my User's Guide to Common Sense a loooong time ago!

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:16 pm
by mamabracito

Ohhh I feel for you. I have had my electric toothbrush long before I got braces. I love it. It's my best friend :lol: . I got that same shooting pain the first time I brushed my teeth after braces. However I didn't have quite the reaction you did :lol: .

Was just wondering how you are making out? How's the pain?

Today is the first day that I actually have no pain. I enjoyed my dinner tonight for the first time in what feels like forever. Everything is going back to normal and I haven't had any sores except for one which lasted not long.

Hope all is well Katiari.


Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:02 pm
by Katiari
I'm dragging myself through... This lingual button is driving me bonkers though!

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:24 pm
by nvcarissa
I haven't had any mishaps...but I am getting a good giggle out of your stories!! :lol:

The worst brushing story I have is early on in my braced life I had a spinach and cheese omelet at a restaurant. Big mistake. I swear that I was in the restroom at least ten minutes trying to get the spinach out. I'd brush, rinse and spit, time and time again, sure that THIS time I was spinach free. And then I would look in the mirror!! My husband was about ready to send someone in for me I was gone so long.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 12:53 pm
by cassie
hehe...I hear you on that! I'm still amazed at the amount of food that gets stuck in these things! I just got the wires on best friend called yesterday, as I was beginning a bowl of noodles, and I (seriously) told her that I've already taken two bites and don't think I've swallowed anything yet! :D
Last week, I was eating a salad at a restaurant. After finishing, I peeked into a mirror quickly to make sure nothing was in my teeth. When I returned to work, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I pulled back my lower lip to find an almost 2-inch long sliver of carrot jammed between the bracket and gum...stretching from my front tooth back to the molars! Amazing!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:55 pm
by Katiari
See, I expected everyone to have a story, I think that just goes along with braces. But to be light-hearted, I'm learning to laugh at it.

My other story occurred the other morning. I had just put mouthwash in my mouth when I realized one of my wires in the back corner was poking into my cheek and stuff. My guy is standing there talking to me as I realize my situation. I carefully tried to remove my cheek from the wire and it tore the skin, allowing strong mouthwash right into the wound. The pain wasn't too bad, but my funky-chicken dance while mouthwashing really confused my guy. :roll:
Amen to that! I snagged my finger on the arch wire so bad I drew lots of blood and about a 1/4 inch long tear on my pointer finger... :(

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:38 pm
by Xero
Might as well add my story

I have a Sonicare Intelliclean. My sis was a dentist so she was only charged $40 for it.

I was brushing in the bathroom when one of the bristles got stuck on some metal. So there I was, a toothbrush hanging from my braces that I couldn't remove without ripping the bristles. I yanked the toothbrush out with a long bristle still stuck in my mouth.

I needed a tweezer to get it out, but I didn't know where it was. So, I went to my mom who had a bunch of friends over and asked "Where are the tweezers?" with my mouth open since the bristle was stuck with toothpaste dripping out of my mouth. :oops: