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Gap from expander..question

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:54 pm
by ShinySmile

My ortho's assistant told me to stop turning the expander key a week early, due to pain on the right side...I have an appointment to get it checked on Tuesday, and she seems to think there is more than enough expansion.

So, question...I had a huge gap from expansion, and now it's closing on it's own since I stopped this normal? :?

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:13 pm
by KJM
I wouldnt think so but I am not sure. I think you should call the ortho and ask.

My son still has a gap and he stopped turning it a while ago and has his braces on. ( only the top 4 are braced) but he doesnt have any crowding issues either so maybe that affects it.

Sorry I cant be more of a help. I think your best bet is to call the ortho Monday morning and let them know whats going on and see what they think.
Good luck! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:31 am
by ShinySmile
Hmm, he's out of his office until my appointment on Tuesday, so I guess i'll figure it out then. 8) It's just really weird, I stopped turning the key and the gap is closing a little bit every day on its own...I can't fit my tongue through the space anymore :lol: The arch still looks the same as it did after I was done turning though...

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:43 pm
by mgigi
I do think it's normal for the gap to close once you stop turning the key. I too have a palate expander, but I'm not done turning the key yet. You'll know for sure tomorrow when you ask your orthodontist, so try not to worry about it. Good luck.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:45 pm
by ShinySmile
For future reference, apparenty it's totally normal for the gap to start didn't affect the shape of my palate, and my ortho said the gap should be almost closed by the time I get my braces next Thursday!