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5 Months Braced.....PROGRESS PICS!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:45 am
by jaynage
It's been 5 months since I got braces, so I decided it's high time I shared with you all the progress my mouth has made. Observe!

Exhibit A. Ewwwww! This was taken 1 week before I got braces. This isn't my usual bite, by the way. Just wanted to demonstrate my lower teeth. The black gum above one of my front teeth is the result of the nerve being removed after a bike-riding accident when I was 8. The tooth in question has a crown, and the other front tooth, which was cracked, has a veneer over.

Exhibit B. The first day I was braced. Nothing much has changed yet, but with the archwire there, you can see how completely misaligned those teeth are.

Exhibit C. Voila! Taken earlier today. Apologies for the poor quality, it was taken using a mobile phone. So much straighter! And you can see the elastics I've been wearing for the last month. No fun colours here sorry, my braces are Inspire Ice, going for as least visible as possible!

My ortho estimates I should be wearing these until at least September next year, so if anything else spectacular happens in the meantime, I'll keep you up to date!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:06 am
by Smiley77
Beautiful! Very inspiring :)

You must be so pleased with the results. Looking forward to more updates :)

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:18 am
by Jillianleab

Amazing progess in just five months! The top wire has really straightened out. Good luck with the rest of your treatment and keep us all posted! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:24 am
by LP
Unbelievable. I love these progress pics - everytime I see them I get so excited about having a straight archiwre.

Good luck with the rest of your treatment.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:32 am
by mamabracito
Wow! I hope mine look as good as yours. Great job!


Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:39 am
by Dramagyrl
Very inspiring for me, considering how long of a ways I still have to go. Thanks for sharing your progress with us!!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:49 pm
by sjsarre
Great movement... Your teeth look great..

September next year? Do you have other issues with your teeth? They look like they are almost straight to me..

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:54 pm
by jaynage
Thanks all for your comments! I enjoy looking at other people's progress pics as well, it's exciting to see how we are all coming along.
Great movement... Your teeth look great..

September next year? Do you have other issues with your teeth? They look like they are almost straight to me..
I had two upper teeth extracted prior to treatment to make room, as my mouth is very small apparently! We're still working on closing those gaps, and on correcting my overbite. The ortho gave an initial estimate of 19 months, so I guess that's pretty standard. He said the rest of treatment won't be as visually exciting as the progress I've made so far, but I forget I even have braces these days. I just wish I'd done this sooner! :-#)

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:01 pm
by cassie
Wow! They look great! It's amazing to see how much can happen in the first few months...I hope mine go so fast!!!

How long does it take gaps to close? You said they were removed before treatment so you're at what, 6 mo. since? I may have to have 2 removed on the bottom.

Good luck!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:10 pm
by nvcarissa
Really amazing progress! You must be so happy! :D Looking good!!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:12 pm
by jaynage
Wow! They look great! It's amazing to see how much can happen in the first few months...I hope mine go so fast!!!

How long does it take gaps to close? You said they were removed before treatment so you're at what, 6 mo. since? I may have to have 2 removed on the bottom.

Good luck!
I was a bit of a speed demon; I had the two extractions exactly a week before I got my braces on, so just over 5 months since. The gaps are closing very slowly, but the molars weren't attached to the archwire until my 2nd adjustment, as my ortho wanted to start movement on the front teeth first. I'm now wearing powerchains at the back to speed up the process, and I can definitely see closure. I have a little handheld mirror that I use to check! I haven't asked how long it might be until the gaps are fully closed, but I imagine it will be a while yet.


Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:14 pm
by lionfish
Great stuff, jaynage. The difference is remarkable.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:56 am
by jennandtonic
Your progress is wonderful. Those front teeth look almost straight! I, too, am currently working on closing extraction gaps. Those powerchains are great, they really speed up the process. (oh, and I have a handheld mirror I check once in awhile, too, :lol:)


Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:53 am
by Cor1
Holy cow, in 5 months you've had alot of progress!!!! Looks great, I can't wait till I get my braces on Thursday, and when I start to see some progress...........I've had crooked crowded teeth for sooooooooooooo long, I still can't imagine that one day they will be straight!!!!

Congrats again!


Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:53 pm
by CLAmom
Nice progress, jaynage. I am also at the 5 month mark but my teeth don't look nearly as straight as your's. Still waiting for a rotated upper incisor to turn before my ortho will do too much more. Powerchains are awesome, aren't they? Mine goes from last molar to last molar on the bottom. When the assistant pulled it off today at my adjustment I almost felt naked! Thank god it's back on so my teeth feel "normal" again. It's weird how a person's definition of normal can change after months of having these train tracks on. :lol: