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Better Day

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:33 pm
by Paws917
Well, it's a little better today. My mouth doesn't hurt so bad, but my tongue is irritated on one side and that's driving me to distraction! Considering my braces are on the outside of my teeth, why do you think my tongue would be irritated? I have felt this kind of irritation before ... usually when I am eating or drinking differently, like on vacation or around the holidays. Do you think all this metal in my mouth is changing the pH of my mouth? I know it's a crazy idea.

I am beginning to hear/feel a slight popping or cracking in my teeth at times. That's good, right?


Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:40 pm
by JoeMama
Glad to hear you're feeling better! I think the slight popping thing is probably your teeth loosening up. I had something like that for awhile, but I don't notice it anymore. Is your tounge sore because you're worrying the insides of your teeth more with it? I know mine got sore because I was always pushing on the inside of me teeth to feel the little movement/clicking. It was fun. Or it could just be because you're using your mouth differently, like you mention. Anyway - congrats on feeling better.