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New member having bad teeth day!

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:58 pm
by mert1225
Im new to the site. I'm 35 and I have had my braces on for 10 months. I've had turbos on the backs of both of my front two teeth since April and they suck!!! I'm glad to meet everyone and I wish everyone well with their treatment and thanks for listening to my gripe :?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:26 pm
by ssfw
Welcome mert1225,

I think you will find this website full of great information and support. If you ever have a question or concern about your ortho treatment, just ask. If it wasn't for this website, I don't think I would have proceeded with ortho treatment.

I hope your ortho treatment is going well.


Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:48 pm
by eaglesoaring

Hi! And a big welcome!

I have bite turbo's on the back, lower teeth. One on both sides. I KNOW what you mean! I've only had mine for about 7 (almost 8) weeks...and chewing has been a challenge, mostly in the beginning. My gripe is your gripe...but, hey...what can we do...but make the best of it! :)

Everyone I've met on this forum is very encouraging...and they carried me through a couple of pretty difficult post away!

Like ssfw, I would NOT have had the courage to get braces, if it weren't for the support I've received here.

Again, welcome!!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:21 am
by Izzy
Welcome! I have bite turbos also and agree that they are no fun. I've only have my braces for a couple of weeks, but will be very glad when the turbos come off (3 to 6 months, hopefully!).